Face First

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Chapter 11

Arya's POV

They run and grab Steven first, I try to get to him and call out for help, but anyone near us immediately disperses. I know Daren’s there, he hasn’t moved from where he was though and in my struggle to reach Steven I don’t bother to call out to him.

“Please, please stop,” I yell tears running down my eyes.

“Shut it cupcake,” Sylvia laughs, stepping out of the boys, they all stop to watch her. As long as they stay away from Steven I’m happy, but I throw a look to Daren and that becomes my downfall.

“What cha looking at you whore,” Sylvia circles me like a vulture, “Oh how sweet, she thinks Dar is gonna come save her and her fagot boyfriend. You actually think you have a chance don’t cha, you fat, ugly, disgusting, bitc…”

“Enough!” Daren walks towards us and steps in front of Steven on the ground, shielding him, whilst standing next to me at the same time.

“What the hell Daren?” A guy steps out of the crowd, sizing Daren up.

“Get lost Rick, they didn’t do anything wrong.”

“They didn’t do… Do you hear what you’re saying Daren? There better be a good explanation for this or else…” He steps forward using his slight height advantage to try and look intimidating.

Daren’s POV

I hear the boy groan behind me and see Arya tense as Rick steps towards me, he pulls his arm back to hit me and…

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