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Chapter 6

Picture is Sky

Daren’s POV

I was going to just make something up, but something about her stopped me. So I told the truth.

“My brother worked out seven days a week and smoked a pack a day. He used to light cigarettes, put them out on my bare skin and he used to laugh and tell me I was weak, that he’d make me strong. One day he came home, a week before Valentine’s Day, and caught me kissing the girl from next door, her name was Sky. He lost it, he’d been drinking and he screamed that his little brother wasn’t going to be trailing any girl like a puppy, and he hit her. He hit her so hard that her neck just snapped. She was little, like a bird and she made the worst sound. She peeped and her vertebra clicked. And then it was cold silence. They arrested him the next day, locked him in a cell until he strangled himself to death with a bed sheet…”

She starred at me, in horror.

“I’ll never forget her, never forget the way her light hair fell in a puddle on the floor and she curled up automatically, like she went to sleep.”

She unfolded herself and lay down on the couch her head resting on the side of the couch I was closest to.

Arya’s POV

I wanted to say something, but we made a deal and I wasn’t quite sure if he wanted to hear anything.

“Um… Okay. I…” I sigh and take a deep breath and start, trying not to tell a story that’s too emotional.

“…My favourite colour used to be pink. I used to wear it every day. Then one day, a boy I liked a little told me that I looked stupid. So I stopped wearing pink. He told me I looked fat after that. So I went on a diet and lost some weight. He told me I was ugly. So I started wearing make-up. Then he stopped talking to me. So I cried and my mom made us move for her job. And I never saw that boy again.”

She pulls her arms around her waist, her long sleeves against her ribcage and smiles at me, the tiniest smile I’ve ever seen, but at least it’s something.

For a second her sleeve slips and I think I see… Something. But she pulls it up quickly, blushing lightly.

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