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Chapter 4

Arya's POV

School, yay I’m so excited (sarcasm anyone?). At least I have someone to sit with at lunch. Steven even has a few friends he says will sit with us.

Now all I have to do is avoid the jocks and maybe, just maybe, today might be an average day. But I have Advanced Programme English after school so that’s pretty unlikely.

School travels in a blur and the day ends, so English time… And I’m first in the classroom, strange. I sit down and take my books out as the teacher walks in.

“Good afternoon Arya.”


“Early today are we?”


“Good,” she nods almost sternly as Daren walks in with the know-it-alls and sits next to me.

“Hey,” he says as he sits next to me. I duck my head down and stare at my notepad, shielding myself with my hair.

“Right, students today I am going to give you your first essay project.”

“Ma’am? Ma’am?!”

“Yes Sylvia?”

“What is the topic?”

“I’m getting there Sylvia, simmer down,” I try to hide a smirk as Sylvia slumps down in her sleep, looking dejected.

“I will be pairing you up, and because it’s Valentine’s Day this essay will be a fun narrative based on one of your partner’s past experiences, preferably a love story. But please make it appropriate after all this is the higher grade. Okay first Jen and Sylvia, Rick and Karen…” She trails off listing names and my heart starts to fill with dread.

“… and lastly Arya and Daren.”


Daren’s POV

She smiles slightly behind her hair as Sylvia slouches down, she kind of deserves it-she really is a suck up. I kind of grin a little too until the teacher announces the topic…

I have to share my past with a stranger. Maybe I can lie my way through this, if I get Sylvia or someone they’ll believe me. Okay maybe this’ll be okay maybe…

“…Arya and Daren.”

You have got to be kidding me. Arya looks up at the teacher next to me in shock, lips moving non-existing words and she touches her face. Her fingers bring away powdered base and her bruises show from underneath.

“I’ll give you the rest of the lesson to talk, you can leave now if you want and discuss this somewhere else.”

Arya’s POV

We stay at our desks awhile as the class files out, the teacher trailing behind.

“Um… Can we uh… Go to your house mine’s not really…” He mumbles, looking away from me.


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