Chapter Nine: First Mission

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A few weeks later, I was comfortable here in headquarters. Fern had been quiet for a while, and that usually means she's thinking about making a new invention, but after our conversation earlier, I might be wrong. After I finished my homework and chores, I went to her room to see if she's okay.

"Fern? Are you okay?" I asked as I opened the door and came into her room.

"DUCK!!" someone yelled, my eardrums ringing. I instinctively fell to the ground, flattening myself against the carpet. I heard a zipping noise above me, and felt the air over me move violently. There was a blur of gray, and it went around and around the room. I saw Fern crouched under the plastic table that she had borrowed to hold materials and diagrams.

"What is that?" I asked as I crawled towards her.

"It's a hoverboard," she answered,

"A HOVERBOARD?" I asked, surprised that Fern decided to try to make one. I don't even think they are invented yet. Fern has tried to make lots of things, and successfully completed them, but never a hoverboard. At least, not until now.

"Not exactly... this is just the prototype. I must have not screwed a part in tight enough," she explained. "Can you help me catch it?"

"Sure," I said, starting to get up from under the table. Fern did the same, and we crawled to opposite sides of the room, getting ready to secure the hoverboard in one of our arms.

"Now!" Fern shouted to me. I jumped up, put my arms out, and caught the board, but the impact made me go flying backwards. Fern reached out just in time. In seconds, we both were on lying the floor.

"Ouch," I said, wincing as my head hit the wall. "Fern, the fact that you made a hoverboard is incredible. It's huge!"

"Thanks," she said, blushing. "Though, it's not done yet."

"But the fact that you got this far on your first try is amazing."

"Yeah, I guess so." Her voice took on a sorrowful note. "Oh Crystal, I wish Mom was here to see this."

"Me too," suddenly, I had an idea. "Hey, do you want to train with me?"

"Okay, anything to take my mind off ... things." The next hour, was spent training, and I taught Fern everything I had learned from Lily. She even made up some moves of her own, and we both had a good time. For a while, I forgot about the hoverboard, the past conversations, and the fact that our mom was no longer here with us.


Later that evening, Violet told everyone to train in combat with a partner. She paired me up with Sky. I was giddy with excitement; I had some new skills, and I wanted to show someone other than Fern, since she new all of my tricks.

Before we started, I made a bar out of ice across the middle of the room and made it seven feet off the ground. Sky hovered a foot off the ground, waiting to start.

Violet said, "GO!" And the practice began.

I summoned my ice powers, and froze the wall. Keeping my eyes on Sky, I climbed up. When she started to come come near me, I sprung from the wall, and grabbed on the bar. Sky turned around and flew to me, trying to land a punch. I dodged each one, and swung myself on top of the cold pole. Sky flew at me, trying to make me topple off the bar, but I held fast. I managed to kick Sky in the stomach twice, and when I was going for another, I heard an alarm go off. From the sound of it, it was coming from inside the headquarters. Sky quickly burst out the door, and I followed her.

What's going on? I thought. Everyone seemed to be going to the same place: the computer lab. I saw Violet beckoning me over to a group, and to my relief, Fern, Lily, Ruby, Wendy, and Willow were there and safe. I hurried over.

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