Chapter Seven: Meeting Everyone

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When Violet opened the door, we walked in, went down some stairs, and were amazed at what we saw. I saw many rooms and about four teenagers rushing about. Violet started to give us a tour; it was fast, yet thorough.

"Here are our combat rooms. They help us keep in tip-top shape even when no villains are creating chaos in the city," Violet showed us the row of doors and motioned us to one. Looking into the window above the doorknob, we could see two girls inside fighting each other. One was flying above the other girl's head, staying out of reach. The other one was trying to grab the flying girl with her nails that were about six inches, way longer than normal. Violet opened the door and shouted, "Guys! Come out for a minute. We've got some new members." They walked out of the combat room and stood in front of us.

"Girls, this is Sky Hy and Jessie Wolv. Sky can fly and Jessie has wolf-like abilities."

"Hi!" They said simultaneously. Sky had brown skin like mine, and also had brown eyes. Her hair was black, parted into two ponytails, and dyed purple at the end. She wore a short sleeved shirt that was blue at the top and faded into green near the bottom. Sky also had tan shorts and golden shoes on.

Jessie had apricot skin and tan hair that was sticking out in all directions with a wolf pin sitting in it. When she smiled you could see her canines were like that of a wolf's. She was wearing a blue shirt that featured a yellow sun sticking out behind a white cloud with the word SHINE under it. Black shorts peeked out from under it, Jessie wore white shoes and pink glasses that circled her emerald colored eyes.

We walked down the hall, and turned the corner. There was a new set of doors, and inside the first one, two teenagers were typing on computers. There were twenty doors after that, and about half of them had things in them, but all of those rooms had a bed and a closet in it.

"The first door is the computer room, and the rest are bedrooms," Violet explained. "We all still go to school, so the computers are useful for any homework we have. It's kind of like a dormitory, except it isn't at a school."

"Guys, meet our new members!" Violet shouted. Everyone came out of the room they were in and stood in front of us.

"State your name and your superpower," Violet instructed.

"I'm Chase Portel, and I have teleportation powers," a boy said. He had brown skin, a head full of black hair, one brown eye and one green eye. Chase wore a blue jersey with the number 15 on it, gray pants and red shoes.

The introduction went down the line. "I'm Jordan Tranparant, and I have the power to turn invisible." Jordan had peach skin, blond hair cut to her chin, and sapphire eyes. She wore a purple blouse with silver waves stretching horizontally around it and a silver skirt that had horizontal curves, except those were purple instead of silver. Rose colored shoes and rose colored glasses finished her outfit.

"I'm Aaron Small, and I have the power to shrink myself, and other things." A boy said. He had red hair, green glasses, and emerald green eyes. Devin wore an orange-yellow shirt, denim jeans, and gray sneakers.

"I'm James Aracknide, and I have spider powers. I can shoot webs, and climb walls." James had brown hair that flopped over one side of his forehead, blue eyes, and tan skin. He had on an orange shirt that had a flame and the words BLAZING HOT featured on it, gray shorts, and brown sneakers.

"My name is Harper Stech, and I have the power to stretch my arms, legs, and neck up to fifty feet longer than normal." Harper had blond hair, brown eyes, and apricot skin. Her hair was in a French braid and that stopped before her waist. She wore a pink tank top, hot pink mini shorts, and tan gladiator sandals.

"My name is Brady Stong, and I have super strength." Brady had black hair, jet black eyes, and peach skin. He wore a red shirt that had a little pocket on it, tan pants, and brown boots.

"I'm Kelly Hypno, and I have the power to hypnotize people," she said. Kelly had blond hair cut just below her ears and indigo eyes that seemed to swirl inwards. She wore a majestic blue dress that hid her feet. A dark blue cape and a ribbon of the same color were stitched to the back of the dress.

"My name is Star Reginaration, and I can heal myself and other people," Star introduced. She had wavy golden hair that flowed down her back, bangs that curled both ways in front of her face, golden eyes, and pale skin. Star was wearing a golden shirt with three-quarter sleeves, white leggings with yellow stars on them, and white sneakers. There were also the feathers of a blue jay and cardinal that were made into an accessory that went down her hair. Her palms seemed to glow with warm light, radiating the room.

"I'm Destiny Prophat, and I can tell the future," Destiny said. She had midnight black hair streaked with gold that went only to her shoulders, dark blue eyes, and pale skin. She was wearing a long sleeve indigo shirt, black tights, and purple converse sneakers.

"My name is Dylan Telekinesis, and I have the power of, well, telekinesis." He has pale skin with spiky brown hair, and amber eyes. He wore a UCLA shirt and jeans with gray sneakers.

"And as you know, I'm Violet Swift, and I have super speed. And..." Violet said, zipping around the corner and back in two seconds. "The spy who just rescued you from the worst place on Earth.¨ When Violet came back, she looked completely different. She had curly brown hair, almond brown eyes, and brown skin. Violet had changed into a pink shirt that said RUNNING IS MY LIFE, lime green tights, and sea green converse sneakers.

¨Whoa," Ruby said. ¨I can't believe we just got rescued by a teenager that's just a little older than ourselves.¨

¨Well, this is where our new lives begin,¨ Fern replied.


Hello again! This is I think  the second shortest chapter (about 1,050 words) that I wrote and probably the most boring. Sorry 'bout that....

There are two more chapters left that I wrote in sixth grade. After that I'm probably gonna scrap the entire thing and rewrite it. But with everything that's going on lately I may not. I'll decide soon. 

Keep commenting and voting! This star's name is... um... STOP PROCRASTINATING AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK because that's what this star constantly yells at me. XD

Jamillia Tudali

InseparableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora