Chapter Eight: Settling In

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We settled into our new routines quickly. Every day, we walked to Thompson High, which was a mile or so away, but the closest one around. The fare would be too expensive for all nineteen of us to ride the train to and from school. People showed Fern, Lily, Ruby, Wendy, Willow, and I around, and we all ended up in the same home room class. We got Mrs. Ixela, an English teacher who students claimed to be the one of the nicest teachers in the school. She introduced us to all of our classmates, and told us that we can catch up on the lessons and homework during lunch and study hall.

Fern and I explored the campus during lunch, and found the library, multi purpose room, and more. During our walk home, I was thinking about school, and I thought about how I might actually like it.


"Everyone is required to do some chores, and those who can get a part time job, gets one," Violet was explaining to us the daily rituals of the members here. "We try to pair up for combat practice, but first, everyone does their homework."

I spent an hour doing homework, made my bed, and did my chores. I went from room to room, taking the bags out of each mini wastebasket. Then I went back to my room and pulled out a book I got from the library from my new backpack, which was one of the things (the backpack, not the book) that Fern and Ruby had gone out to buy for each of us last night. After a little while, I went to find Violet.

"Is there anyone free who I can train with?" I asked once I had found her. At that same moment, Lily came up. She asked the same question, and Violet paired us up. We walked down to one of the empty combat rooms.

"Can you show me some of your fighting moves?" I asked Lily. I was envious that Lily knew karate, and wanted to learn some. I might even teach Fern if we have the time.

"Sure," she answered.

We worked on combat skills until dinner time. Lily showed me a basic punch, kick, and how to avoid those same moves. It hurt a bit, but excited to learn more. That'll have to wait, though. I thought.

Lily and I walked to the entrance of the headquarters when everyone was called, and waited for everyone else to get there. We walked in a new direction this time, and it led to a Chinese restaurant. We quickly ate, and went back.

"Does anyone think it's weird that there are nineteen teenagers walking together?" I asked Violet on the way back.

"I've seen weirder things than that," she replied. "Besides, New York helps us blend in. No one would suspect a thing."

"Oh," I said, considering that point. No one will suspect us much. That must be why the organization is here, instead of in the country. There are less people there, but nothing unusual ever happens there. I thought.

Fern? I asked. Do you think this is better than living in Texas?

Well, it's colder, and strange things happen here. I think we should blend in here better. She replied. But really, I wish that we could do this with Mom.

Me too, but we have each other, and...

That's good enough for now.


Hi everyone! Here's Chapter 8! It's only 555 words. :'( I would post the next chapter, but there's only one left. 

I may continue this book, I may scrap it entirely and start over. Or maybe I'll just abandon it and leave it there to sit it it's horribleness and start a new book. The third option is the most likely. 

Comment and vote on Shimmer!!

Jamillia Tudali

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