Chapter Three: Escape

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When the last scientist left the building, we started to execute our plan. I said, "Willow, make and use some sharp sticks to break the cameras' lenses. I'll help you locate the cameras if you need the help. Fern, when Willow's done, go with her to find the main computer to disable the alarms for the gates and open them automatically. Lily, after they do that-"

"I'll go ahead and give you the 'all clear'. If it isn't, I get to practice my karate skills." Lily, who was excited to flip and fly like a gymnast while kicking some butt, smiled as big as a croc when she said that.

"Right," I continued. "Then, we all meet up at the gates and escape."

"Got it, but what will Wendy and I do in the meantime?" Ruby asked.

"You two come with me and clear up any evidence of our escape. When Willow cracks the glass, I'll put a thin layer of ice over them, so no one notices that it's broken at first. Wendy, when we get out, you have to use the wind to lower the gates again. Ruby, you have to figure out how to get the computer to the main screen, without putting the alarms back on. You think you can do that?"

Ruby nodded, her curly hair as red as roses bobbing up and down with her.

"Good. If anyone has any problems, use your telepathy. Work quickly and quietly."

While Willow broke the security cameras, I layered the broken ones with ice. Ruby went with Fern and Willow to the main computer. After thirty minutes, we heard the gates open. After an hour, Wendy, Fern, and Ruby joined up with us in front of our glass cages. With Willow navigating us and Lily in the front, we quickly got to the large, metal gates. But there was a surprise waiting for us.

Suddenly, a big Great Dane leaped out of nowhere and started to bark and growl at us, making us stop in our tracks. Willow said, "I've got this," and transformed into that same type of dog. That amazed me because Willow can't see, I didn't even think her other senses could help her figure out the exact type of the dog. Willow and the dog started to fight and bite each other. "Go, I'll hold her off as long as I can." We ran out the gates, but soon we all turned around to help Willow.

Lily used her self defense skills to keep the dog back. Ruby formed a rock collar attached to a rock chain. She put it on the big dog and held the Great Dane back. Then, after she transformed back into herself, Willow formed a tree and hung the end of the rock chain on a strong branch. The dog was soon dangling in the air, helpless.

"Let's go," Wendy said. "That was very costly."

We walked some more, and a tiger jumped at us. "Where are they keeping all of these animals?" Lily wondered. All we had seen were the labs, the cages, the computers, and the gates. From what we had seen, we assumed that was all this place could fit inside.

Fern turned around and said, "Guys! The dog is gone! The tiger has to be the dog!"

"So, we're facing someone like me," Willow said, surprised and eyes wide.

I reassured them, "We can take this down easily." We all pitched in to herd the tiger into the glass cages we were trapped inside only a few hours ago. Then, I froze the glass hole more than I did earlier, so the shape-shifter would have a hard time breaking out. Ruby also made a wall of diamond five inches thick to hold the creature back, since diamond is really hard and strong. Willow grew some trees, so it would be even harder to get through our trap.

We ran back to the gates, and Wendy used her wind power to lower the gates. In the dead of night, we ran through streets, crossed bridges, and soon came to an empty street alley.

Lily looked around and called, "It's all good. No one's here. Let's make ourselves comfortable, so we can search for a more stable home in the morning."

"Great, we can rest here for the night." Wendy said, relieved, and I saw a satisfactory smile painted on her face.

We fell asleep quickly, happy that we no longer were going to be experimented on, and that our freedom was restored.


Hello people!! I'm exhausted from coming back from Ohio, but I still decided to post this today instead of waiting until tomorrow. I am still following the schedule!! :)

This is the shortest chapter I wrote. It's not even 800 words!! I'm posting the next chapter today too so that kinda makes up for it. 

Keep commenting and voting please! 

Jamillia Tudali

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