Chapter 5: Awkward

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Lances POV
So mullet and Pidge have come back so we're just waiting for Shiro and Matt.

We're just waiting for Shiro and Matt.
We're just waiting for Matt and Shiro.
Come on.
They're supposed to come in now.

What the fuck do we do now?
Are they okay? Did they just get delayed? Have they been mobbed by dead employees? Are they currently part of some mass of corpses that are on their way to devour us?

I glance at Pidge, hoping for some answer but they are as white as a sheet and looks like they might throw up.
They're terrified. I dot think for themselves but for Matt; after all he is their brother.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
If they don't come back we're probably screwed.

"I'm gonna go find them."
That is not a question or whatever but a very certain statement that mullet made.

He walks off to the stairs, softball bat swinging gently in hand.

Well fuck; I can't let him go off on his own.
So, I, like the hero I am, follow him.

We walk in silence. And I'm not really that good at silence but then again this is Keith we're talking about.

He's very smart, like seriously smart. And good at everything. Especially fighting.
Like in the first year he was a bit of a crybaby and a goody two shoes (even though he never revised or whatever), so yeah; the bullied kid no one really likes.
Second year, he made a lot of snarky comments, told people to fuck off and still had good grades; this was around the time people found out he did martial arts and when they tried to get him to fight them. Key being tried.
End of third year? He snapped; beat a kid up (a kid who completely deserved it), getting him to the floor in one movement then beating him down each time he tried to attack again. And he was still fucking perfect academically.
Fucking hell, it was kinda scary.

So, in short, don't fuck with Keith Kogane.
Or at least don't be a homophobic piece of shit.
He ignores everything everyone says unless its homophobic or transphobic.

So now walking with this guy? I'm not really sure what to make of him.
I mean in first year we got along and only spoke a few times but he was nice. So yeah, we got along-ish.

"You don't need to fucking babysit me."

"I'm not babysitting you, I'm making sure you don't get yourself killed."

"You're gonna be the cause of my death, you're not going to help me just hinder me."

"Oh look at you, pulling out the big boy words."
Second year? He got under my skin.
By being so fucking good at everything and obviously hating every minute.
He pisses me off no end. He's so annoying.

He stops and glares at me.
"Just fuck off and go look after Pidge. I'm fine on my own."

Keith's POV
"Just fuck off and go look after Pidge. I'm fine on my own."

Don't say anything. Please.
I can't deal with this right now.

"We need to go round in pairs; that was one of the first decisions made. I'm not exactly here by a choice influenced by personal interests; I'm here because it's logical."

Lance thinking rationally. Something he's always been good at.

"Just don't slow me down."
I sound like such an arrogant piece of shit; don't slow me down. How could he possibly slow down someone as pathetic as me? If anything I'm slowing him down.

We continue in silence. Again.
I'm not sure if this is good or bad. Does this mean we are or aren't getting along?

Let's be honest. I've fucked it up; I'm really the only one who can fuck up a simple conversation.

"Sorry. Let's just find Shiro and Matt."

Was that the right thing to say?
I don't fucking know.

"It's cool man."

More silence.

So what do I do? Do I try and make a conversation? Do I run off and leave him?
What the fuck am I supposed to do?
I'm shit in social situations.

If anyone bothers to read this shit sorry for not updating for a month.

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