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Dad leaves me a note that tells me I can stay home since I got home pretty late last night and you know, since we are both exhausted from crying our hearts out. I kindly decline because although I want nothing more than to bundle myself in my blankets and watch Netflix, I know I have to show up to school for my mock AP exam. I am honestly regretting taking AP literature. I suck at English so I don't know why I bothered to challenge myself when regular English is challenging enough. I only took it because Corey talked me into it. He is succeeding while I am struggling to hold onto a B. I hate B's.

Corey doesn't have a first period and hates waking up early so everyday I am forced to bike to school. I find it generally relaxing and I don't really mind, but because I wake up later than usual, I call Ryder for a ride.

"Mama Mia, what's up?" He answers using the stupid nickname he created for me.

"I'm stranded at home and I need a ride." I reply, shoving toast into my mouth.

"You're eating like a fricking pig. Don't talk with your mouth full." He chastises. "And no. I'm riding my motorcycle to school."

"Come on," I plead after I swallow. "Just drive your car. You're in deep debt with copied homework so you don't really have a choice."

He mutters a curse word under his breath. "Fine. I'll be there in ten. I have to pick up Holden too then."

I take another bite. "Ok," I reply, my voice muffled.

Ryder snorts. "And you wonder why you don't have a boyfriend."

"No." I snap. "I don't want a boyfriend."

"Yeah, whatever. Be ready or I'm leaving without you."

I hang up and finish up my quick breakfast. Then I go back to brush my teeth again and throw on some clothes. I decide on a plain white t-shirt, red nike running shorts and my black vans. I twist my hair up into a bun, but realize I can't really pull that look off today because my eyes are red and puffy. In result, I leave my hair down in its waves which is highly rare.

Ryder is later than I expected him to be, but I don't really mind. He is always late. I slide into the back seat. "Good morning." I mumble, pulling on a black pullover hoodie I grabbed on my way out. The weather is still mildly chilly so I decide it will suffice.

"Morning." Holden greets.

Ryder just starts down the street silently, muttering something underneath his breath.

I sigh heavily. "Is he mad at me?"

Holden peers back at me. "Yeah... he wanted to ride his motorcycle."

"I want to." I retort.

"I take back my offer." Ryder says.

My jaw drops. "What? No, you can't do that. That's not fair."

"Well, too bad." He replies nonchalantly.

"Ryder," I whine. "Please. I've given you like four years worth of homework. I deserve it."

"Dude," Holden begins. "She kind of has a point."

"Or I can tell that girl you were checking out at the party that you have an STD." I threaten, smirking.

"You know I believe in safe sex." Ryder snarls.

"I do but she doesn't." I tease.

He is silent for a second. "Mia, I hate you right now."

"I know." I chuckle. "So... motorcycle?"

He groans, sparing me a glance. "I swear you're like a little sister I didn't ask for."

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