He knows what he has to do.

Zax asked for Jian. Now he's about to get him. And he's too arrogant to see that that this boy will be his undoing.

Ben lets out a soft scoff, shaking his head in amazement, thinking back to last night.

After he left Rey, he waited several hours before sneaking into the academy to find Jian. She was so angry when she found out he'd been ignoring her attempts to reach out to him through the bond. He can only imagine how angry she is now knowing that he was physically on Cantonica during their entire conversation. And that he took Jian with him when he left.

But soon she'll see that this was the only way. Not just the only way to defeat Zax, but the only way for her to get what she so desperately wants— him, leading next to her in the New Age.

Because if it's true, what Ben sensed about this boy in Rey's mind... it changes things. It changes how he feels about Mustafar. It changes how he feels about the New Age. It changes his fear that a galaxy with more Force-sensitives will inevitably bring ruin upon them all.

If it's true...

And he believes it is. He wouldn't have brought Jian here otherwise. He was certain of it after what he felt in Rey's mind. But that certainty deepened into utter conviction when he crept into the school in the dark of the night... and found that Jian was waiting for him. Waiting for him.

Ben had never stepped foot on the academy grounds. He hadn't the slightest clue where Jian was. He walked the deck, hooded and silent, reaching out with his Force senses, searching for him...

Then he rounded a corner and there it was— a speck in the distance, a small black dot at the base of door. Could it be...? Ben dismissed he thought as soon as it crossed his mind. Too much of a coincidence. More likely it was some other child, a student out at night when he should be in bed. But as Ben got closer, he realized his first instinct was right.

It was Jian.

The boy was sitting on the deck, knees curled into his chest, propped against the wall. He didn't look at all surprised when he saw Ben's shadowy form approaching. He didn't look surprised when Ben knelt before him, pulling back his hood to reveal his face. The boy simply stared at him with a mixture of dread and determination.

Ben stared back at him silently for a few moments.

"Do you know why I'm here?" He intoned quietly.

Jian gulped, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Because I'm the only one who can stop the Interloper?" He answered as though he were asking a question.

Ben nodded solemnly in response. Then he extended his hand towards him... and Jian took it immediately.

He'll give the boy this much— he is very brave. He's scared, but he's brave. It's ok that he's afraid. He needs to be. What he has to do... what he has to discover about himself... it's the kind of thing one can only find in the moment, in the midst of the cold, pumping adrenaline of fear, the very real threat of death.

Ben didn't tell him much. It's better that he knows as little as possible. He just warned Jian that Zax would try to get into his mind, shape his thoughts, and that his touch would be imperceptible unless he was on guard. He needs to keep him from getting too deep into his head. Jian gulped at hearing this.

"Won't that be hard?" He asked with one eye slightly squinted.

"Yes." Ben's emphatic answer was matched with an intense gaze.

Jian gulped again but nodded his readiness with wide eyes.

"And what else should I do?" He asked eagerly.

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