His First Kiss

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I opened a portal to the SAVE screen after I said good bye to Toriel. She didn't ask where I was going since my room was normal void of all light. 

I stepped through, a small basket of chocolate chip cookies and some cheese cake in hand. yeah, Life had over baked for our tea time and decieded to give me some. I did thank her.

"Geno~" I called out, looking around the empty area. 

"Hey." The bleeding skeleton called out from the small couch. He was reading a book in the light of the giant words behid him. 

"Whatcha doing?" I asked, floating over to him. 

"Reading, what does it look like?" He sassed, grumbling something under his breath. 

I cooed at him, picking him up to hug him. 

"Hey! Let me go, you pervert!" He shouted, his voice echoing in the silence of the SAVE screen. 

"And why should I?" I held a flirty tone, smiling even more pervertedly at him. 

His face was covered in a deep red blush as he finally was able to get out of my arms. He puffed out his cheeks in anger and turned his head the otherway, buring his face in his scarf. 

I laughed and brought the basket in view. I saw his eye shine with wonder before he held himself together. He knew that some of the things that I brought were just to tease him. 

"I brought you something~" I purred lowly. 

Geno sighed, rolling his good eye, sitting next to me on the couch. No matter what, I knew he was wondering whether he should ask what was in it.

"What's in it?" He mumbled, crossing his arms. 

"Just some cookies and cheese cake." I said so causlly that he looked surprised! 

"W-What?" His voice shook in excitment, his eye forming into a shaky star. 

"Yup!" I smiled down at him, bringing the basket closer to him.

He gave me a questioning look, but opened it. His cute little gasp was wonderful as his one eye lit up at the sight of the sweets. He happily took out the two slices of cake and small plater of cookies. 

He then proceded to much on the cookies, his smile never ending... I didn't want it to end...

After a few minutes, he put the red of the cookies and cake on the floor, since we didn't have anything to put them on. 

"Why are you staring at me?" Geno's voice brought me out of my trance. 

He was eyeing me like I was going to do something... Maybe I was~ 

"Just looking at how gorgeous you are~" I murmured, gazing down at him with love. 

I wrapped my arms around him, bringing him closer to me. I loved him so much... I just didn't know how to show it... 

He blushed even deeper, growling at me. He was such a tsundere~ It was adorable. 

"Reaper, no." He hissed as he tried to push me away.

"Reaper yes." I muttered, pulling him closer still. 

When we were inches away, did he stop fighting. I could feel his breath on my lips, his body shivering at how close we were. 

"Geno..." I stopped myself... I didn't want to get rejected, so I just went with the feeling. I let my lips crash on his own. 

My love gave a squeak, before relaxing in my grip. His lips moved against mine in some sort of dance that only we knew how to dance to. 

It lasted forever... Never truly changing... Only growing more passionate... 

Geno was the first to pull away, gasping for air. I smirked down at him, even though I was panting as well. 

I kissed the top of his head, his face redder than Undyne's hair. 

"I-" My words were caught off by him kissing me again. 

I smiled in it, kissing him back. I didn't know how much time passed, nor did I care... This was my heaven now.

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