His soul

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It was a normal day for me, just doing my job. The people were dying and my bro was guiding them back to the world of the dead. I was just done with my shift, so I went home. 

As usual, we had our own lists. It was always filled as everyone and thing was dying. I didn't mind I was use to it. It was just that day... There was a crossed out name...

The name seemed to have been written more than one once, only to be crossed out again and again. I was... Intrigued as only the dead could be crossed off the list. Even then, their names would never appear again, fading away until there was no trace of it. 

I focused my magic on the being. They were somewhere far away, hidden from my usual sight, so I had no clue who they were. 

Before I could get any closer, a new name appeared on my list. 

UT! Chara Dreemurr

I raised an eye brow, shrugging a second later. Maybe I could try and find that being again, later. 

I opened a portal to UnderTale, where I make frequent visits since Chara here likes to kill. Bet the Sans here has stopped hopping for the impossible by now. 

I walked through it, the world only a void of darkness. 

"Well, this isn't UnderTale." I muttered, looking at everything. 

"You dirty brother killer!" A voice screamed.

Someone was still alive? And still fighting? 

I rushed over to where it was, stopping to see the fight. 

A white skeleton wearing a snow white jacket and black shorts, had one hand on a red Papyrus scarf. They had a glitch over their right eye. 

Chara was trying to dodge left and right, avoiding the angry Sans' wrath. Yet, they were getting slower instead of faster as they lost more blood. 

Soon, a bone was able to get through the demon's chest, freezing them. They coughed out blood, falling to their knees. 

"L-Let me R-RESET... P-Please... I-I don't want t-to die..." They whimpered, begging the skeleton, who had yet to turn to face me. 

"Why should I?" He hissed, anger in every word. "You killed my brother... You made me stuck here!" He shouted, shooting more bones into the dying demon's body.

"Please! I don't want Death to get me!" They cried, sobbing loudly. 

Their words made the skeleton stiffened, slowly turning around. His one eye was a deep shade of blue, the bottom half turning red. 

The colors faded as he backed away from me, the God of Death. He reeked of fear. It was almost funny. 

I said nothing, pulling out my scythe. The killer whimpered, tears rolling down their face even faster. They knew that they were just barely biding their time. They knew that they were going to live a long and tortures life in Hell.

"See you on the other side, kid." I muttered, no remorse in my words as I brought the blade down onto them, reaping their souls.

After taking the soul and putting it on the other side for my brother to take care of as some souls do find their way over to there. I turned back to the other skeleton. 

I took out my list, the name now clear as day. 

AfterTale! Sans Geno

The name was glowing. I raised an eye brow and looked at the once fearless skeleton. Guess he never saw me as I made my rounds through UnderTale. 

I floated closer to the soon to be dead monster. Geno moved back, his eyes wide in terror. 

"Why are you afraid of me?" I asked him, getting  no response back. I reach forward, wondering what he'll do. He flinched, stuck to where he stood. "Are you actually scared that if I touch you, you'll die?" 

Geno nodded, pulling his head away. He was scared of me. This for some reason made me feel weird... It made my soul hurt...

"Hehe! You're a nervous wreck!" I laughed it off, showing my eye lights. 

He tried to move back, and I let him... He was interesting... 

"I guess you're fascinating... See you tomorrow, Geno." 

I left, him still standing there in shock. 

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