Chapter 66/ Clash of Gods

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Legacy Part 2

War Arc

Chapter 67 - Clash of Gods


Kurama. That was the name the old man had given him. It was lost to time.

Kyuubi no Yoko, the nine-tailed demon fox, was the name the humans had called him for centuries.

He didn't blame the humans for calling him that. He suppose he earned the name in the end for what he had done. People of the old world had called him a natural disaster, appearing suddenly out of nowhere to attack areas that had been breading the darkest aspects of the human nature.

They were not wrong.

Kurama and his brothers had drifted away once Hagoromo and Ashura had passed away. He had chosen to honor his father's wishes and continue his work through his immortal life. He was a being of pure chakra, pure energy. He would not age, get sick and he could not be killed either. Trust me, many people had tried when he attacked.

The first few years after Hagoromo's passing he simply wandered the land. Ashura was taking care of everything. But then he passed away and his descents fell very short of their ancestor's wishes. They forgot their burden and tasks they should have carried on through their blood.

And so, for centuries, Kurama tried to keep humanity on the path his father had given them. Even when humans themselves forgot their very origins. Hagoromo had given them chakra so that humanity could understand each other with no words.

Kurama watched as humanity learned to harness their chakra. Each generation carrying on and improving until the gift of chakra was used for war. Humanity had learned to strengthen their bodies and bend the elements with peculiar ease that surprised even him. But even the best of them fell short of his father's abilities. That man could bend chakra to his will like feeble paper.

And so Kurama felt compelled to end it. He struck with unstoppable fury, carrying death in each step. He attacked the source of their power, destroying their villages and erasing their knowledge of chakra. But he couldn't do it alone. The world was far too vast for a single being to accomplish. Even for someone like him.

And so he asked his siblings to help. Pathetic, all of them. They declined and hid away from the world, claiming that hurting humans was against what father had whished for in the first place. Foolish siblings, all of them. And so Kurama kept doing his work along for centuries on end.

Centuries more passed and humanity still hadn't learned. He grew tired of humanity's lack of understanding and so he stopped. He found a mountain and carved himself a small den, so that he could rest for a few years and perhaps when he woke up once more, they had learned something.

How wrong he was.

He was woken, not by free will, but by humans themselves. Shinobi, ninja, they were calling themselves now. Armed with swords and other weapons they had the gall of charging head on against something like me. Foolish humans. I squashed them all like the bugs they were. How far they had fallen.

They carried some forehead protector on their heads. I noticed the symbol but discarded it nearly immediately. Only later on I would realize that was actually the symbol of their village. At least they had learned something, those shinobi. Now if they were all together in the same village like the old man's wishes then it was all over.

Of the attacking group only two shinobi survived. Ginkaku and Kinkaku had somehow managed to survive my powerful chakra and ended up with a watered version of my abilities. I spat them out and left them half alive on the ground. I left their fate to the gods and walked away to find another den.

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