Chapter 29/ End or a Snake

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Chapter 29 - End of a Snake

## Iwagakure (Stone Village) ##

Iwagakure no Sato or the hidden stone village is one of the great five shinobi nations. Their leader is called Tsuchikage or Earth Shadow and their current one is Onoki. Onoki is a very short old man with a triangular beard and a moustache that has angular corners, a big red nose and thick eyebrows. The top of his head is completely bald, although, he has long white hair on the lower-half of his head which is styled in a traditional chonmage hair cut, the back of which is tied with a yellow ribbon into a topknot.

He wears a green and yellow coat with a red collar. Underneath he wears the traditional Iwagakure outfit consistent of a light green version of Iwagakure's flak jacket and mesh armor. He however has both his sleeves of his shirt, but kept the single lapel on his right side. Along with this he wears sandals.

The stone village is well-known for the rock-hard attitude and extreme loyalty of their shinobi. Once their leader issues an order they will follow it blindly even if it costs their lives. The standard attire for shinobi from this village consists of red outfit, which can have sleeves, a lapel which is usually found on the side without a sleeve and a brown flak jacket. They also tend to wear mesh armor around their ankles.

Iwagakure ninja seem to specialize in Earth Release techniques. Speaking of the village itself, it's located in the midst of some rocky mountains. These mountains provide natural defenses making the village a stronghold. Unlike Konoha, the houses are built completely out of stone instead of wood making them more durable and resistant in case of attack.

Currently we find the Tsuchikage in his office navigating the maze of paperwork that seems to plague every kage. His office is located in the biggest structure on the village which all of them are cone-shaped.

"Curse this damn paperwork" the Tsuchikage said cursing this paperwork with all his might. He was half tempted to vaporize everything around him, which wouldn't be too hard.

Why it wouldn't be too hard is very simple. The Tsuchikage is the last known wielder of the Dust Release. Although technically it isn't a kekkei genkai one must have affinity for earth, fire and wind which isn't very common for shinobi to have natural affinities for more than two elements.

Onoki is a very proud, headstrong, and boastful individual. Due of his age, he is also somewhat frail, with constant complaints about hip and back pains. Although he's old, similar to the hokage in fact, he refuses to step down from the kage position until he finds a worthy heir to his position.

The Tsuchikage picked a paper and it was a simple report of a simple d-rank mission. He quickly scanned through it and stamped it, placing it on the other end of the table. This was his routine when not sleeping. He would spend his days reading and stamping reports.

He was broken from his work by a knock of the door.

"Come in" Onoki said.

The door opened and a man entered. He was wearing the standard Iwa attire with the exception that that the red shirt went all the up to his chin. He had black eyes with brown hair stylized with a small ponytail.

"Good Morning Tsuchikage-sama" the man said greeting his leader and kneeling in front of him.

"Masato...need something?" Onoki asked. Masato was in fact the village's spy master. The spy master's job, like the names states, it's to keep tabs on the other villages and other information that might seem relevant to his village's safety and well-fare.

"Yes Tsuchikage-sama" Masato replied standing up "We received a letter from the Sand addressed directly to you and came in their fastest carrier and also we heard of something interesting in Konoha" Masato explained handing the letter over to the Tsuchikage. The letter had already been scanned to make sure it wasn't an explosive tag or other trap.

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