Chapter 39/ A Turning Point

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Legacy Part 2

Kiri Civil War Arc

Chapter 39 - A Turning Point

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No one really knows how it began, the bloodline purge that is. One only knows rumors and whispers that town folk spread around. Some say that Yagura himself suddenly woke up and decided to exterminate all living bloodline users because they posed a major threat to his leadership and regime. Some say that Yagura decided to purge every single bloodline shinobi after the Kaguya attack a few years ago.

One night the Kaguya Clan decided to simply attack the Mist Village, their own village to begin with. While most shinobi blamed them for being some blood crazed clan, Yagura persuaded his shinobi to the opposite.

Instead of accepting that the Kaguya Clan was, for lack of a better word, mental. Yagura spawn the theory that every skirmish and war was because of bloodlines. The bloodline would affect the shinobi turning them into nothing more than a beast looking for blood and flesh. The people in Kiri where then blinded by their pain and hatred for the Kaguya attack that they believed in their leader without question.

And thus began the bloodline purge. For years Yagura and his loyalist army composed of thousands of non-bloodline users started hunting down and killing every single bloodline user they found. That's the reason as to why Kiri was cut-off from the other great villages for so many years, they had some internal problems to deal with.

The bloodline users were forced to band together and leave the village if they wanted to survive. Terumi Mei rose through the ranks and became the indisputable leader of the rebel side of the army. Mei commands around four thousand shinobi who are fighting to regain back their home. But the worst part is that they are fighting people they once considered comrades, friends, lovers.

After years of skirmish, battles, blood and many deaths, Mei decided to turn towards the great shinobi villages to ask for aid to their cause. Mei decided to ask Konoha, the strongest of the five great villages for help. She was lucky that her prayers were answered and she was given eight hardened and strong shinobi to fight for her cause.

The dragons had just introduced themselves to the rebel leader, Terumi Mei. Everyone was geared up and ready for their travel and fight against Yagura's tyrant regime. With a small wave of hand every single shinobi blurred out of Konoha heading towards the Mist trees seemed like blurs as everyone was moving fast. Mei had already left for a few days and it wasn't good the leader to be absent for long periods of time.

Mei was leading the group. She was being flanked on the left by one of her body guards Chojuro and to her right, her right hand man, Ao. Mei was extremely pleased with the help she got and couldn't wait for the war to be over. Chojuro was a bit fearful. He could feel that they were powerful shinobi and could only hope that they didn't turn on them.

Ao was another story. He didn't trust them in any way what so ever. The little digression he had the dragon leader, silver, only seemed to increase it. Something didn't feel right with these dragons. The seven swordsman of the mist never needed any masks to cover their faces. All this secrecy was driving him mad.

Ao brought his right hand and made half the tiger seal. Ao focused chakra into his eye, the one covered by the black eye patch. His eyes suddenly glowed white and his veins bulged out slightly but everything was hidden by the patch. Ao gasped when he saw just what type of shinobi they were.

"They are monsters...every single one of them" Ao thought to himself gasping for air, trying to keep his cool and not alert them. Their chakra levels were through the roof. The member with the lowest amount of chakra was the purple dragon and even her had high-kage level reserves.

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