777 6 0

[Verse 1]

The sound of something breaking
So I awake from sleep
The sound I never heard before
I try to cover my ears but I can't go to sleep

[Pre-chorus 1]

The pain in my throat gets worse
So I try to cover it
But I don't have a voice
And I hear that sound again

[Chorus 1]

It starts to ring again, the unfamiliar sound
A crack starts to form on this icy lake, from where I stand
So I have drowned myself in the lake
I would bury my voice just for you

[Verse 2]

In this lake where I have drowned
A thick ice starts to form
In the dream I shortly went into
My tormenting phantom pain is still the same

[Pre-chorus 2]

Did I lose a piece of me?
Or have I gained a piece of you?
Then I start to run to
To the lake and saw my face

[Chorus 2]

I'm asking you not to say anything
I reach out my hand to cover the mouth
But in the end, the spring will come
The ice will melt and it will all flow away

[Chorus 3]

Tell me if my voice is even real
If I shouldn't have thrown myself away?
Tell me if this pain isn't also real
Then what should I have done back then?

(I'm not trying to scare you but this one would be difficult...if you chose the original chords. Don't worry (I'm not afraid😉. Sorry), I made alternative chords for those...)

Ukulele Chords

(There are only two chords...)

Set 1 : Bm, Em

Set 2 : Am, F (this is the alternative one)

Strumming Pattern

(Another side note, the options here does not rely on what set you chose for the chords...JUST CHOOSE WHAT YOU THINK YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH😊)

Option 1 :

Verse : D

Pre-chorus : D

Chorus : D

Option 2 :

Verse : D

Pre-chorus : DUXD (make it slower so it will go my the beat)

Chorus : D

(A/n: I hope you guys can understand. If not, kindly message me here in wattpad or if you are reading this on Chrome you can find me on

Instagram : @minrkam93

Twitter : @minrkam93

Then message me there so if you need to clarify something.



BTS TXT ENGLISH LYRICS W/ UKULELE CHORDSWhere stories live. Discover now