Papa Malik? Leaving One Direction? Papa Malik?

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           "Leave me alone. I wanna sleep." Niall muttered the next morning. "You have to get up and go out and look at the pretty sunshine!" Zayn sang as he yanked the covers off of Niall. "Ahh! It's cold!"

"That'll wake you up!"

"Screw you."

"I know you want to but we really don't have time for that."

"What happened to the doctor telling me to take it easy?" Niall yawned, ignoring Zayn's sarcasm. "Mama Horan said you needed to come have some tea. You know how she is."

"Alright PAPA ZAYN. You're worse than Liam! Ugh!" Niall put his feet on the icy floor, grabbed his robe, and hurried downstairs where the boys where having breakfast. "Good morning!" they sang.

"Yeah, yeah." Niall grumbled as he flopped back into a chair. His bruise was still there and still looking purple. Maura gently kissed it, "How's my special little snowflake?"

"Hungry." he yawned loudly. 

"You're so adorable when you yawn!" she giggled. 

"He's also cranky when he first wakes up." Zayn smiled as he sat down at the table with the boys. 

               "I feel like I haven't had any sleep. I kept dreaming last night."

"What did you dream about?" Liam asked.

"Paul screaming into my face. Was that real or what? I was half there when I woke up."

"He screamed like a girl." Louis giggled. 

"A little girl." Harry added. 

"I wish someone filmed it." Louis spoke again.

             Niall began to chew on a piece of bacon. He tore into it and gobbled it down, "I bet it was funny aye?"

"Extremely." Zayn smiled once more. Niall adored his smile. It was so seductive and friendly like. "I think I'm a bit high on pain meds actually." Niall sniffled. 

"Have some coffee, dear." Maura advised, "That'll help."

"I thought I was having tea?" he pouted.

"Tea or coffee. Either or." she put a mug of warm tea in front of him. "Thanks." he grinned then began to sip. 

"Is it good, love?"

"Yes, Mum. Thank you again." he swallowed then the door opened. Paul stepped in and sighed, "Well, since Niall can't rehearse then we have to postpone everything. We need him. He's part of 1D."

"Agreed." the boys said together. 

"So....about the gig next week...."

"What gig?" Niall's brow rose, "I didn't think there was a gig for a couple months. Did you all lie to me?"

"Calm your tits." Zayn giggled.

"Shut up!" Niall snapped then turned back to Paul, "Well? Is there?"

                "Niall, the doctor...."

"I have just been to the doctor. I don't think you want me in One Direction!"

"What?!" Paul cried.

"Yeah. Management didn't let me sing Torn! That has to be a sign!" 

"Niall, your guitar playing during that was amazing. That's what we wanted from you. You agreed." 

"Still." Niall huffed. The boys stayed quiet during Niall's little spasm. Finally, he stood up, and announced, "I quit. I'm going back to Mullingar."

               "What!" Louis shouted. Harry's eyes widened. He covered his face and moaned. "Niall, you don't mean that." Maura muttered.

"Yeah, I do!" he called as he climbed the stairs. 

"What's One Direction without Niall?!" Liam cried. Zayn, however, said nothing. He was in utter shock. How could Niall say such a thing? He always said quitting One Direction would be the last thing he would ever do. 

Niall was so angry he nearly tweeted that he had quit until Mama Horan grabbed his cell phone, "Straighten your ass up and get back downstairs! End of discussion!" 

"Mum, I'm almost 19. You can't tell me what to do."


"Yes, ma'am!" 

                    Maura made Niall apologize to Paul and say that he would never leave One Direction. Niall did it with a red face. He was so embarrassed that his mum had to scold him in front of everybody. "Now. Have a good day, Paul." Maura smiled as she left to go get some groceries. Niall turned to the boys and groaned, "Mums."

"Mhmmmmm." Louis agreed.

However, Zayn, Harry, and Liam were all giggling, "That was hilarious! Who knew she had it in her?"

"Greg and I knew." Niall sighed then grabbed an apple. He tossed it back and forth in his palms, "So....what all shall we do today?"

"You have to stay home and relax." Zayn ordered.

"Ugh, Papa Malik strikes again." Niall smirked.

"Hey, what's wrong with staying home and doing nothing when you've been working your ass off forever now? Just chill out. I'll stay here with you."

"Me too." Harry offered then saw Zayn's glare, "Or not." he quickly added. 

Smiling, Niall took a bite of the apple, and grinned through his braces, "I think Harry should stay."

"What?" Zayn frowned.

"Pay back for waking me up this morning, lad. I'm gonna go shower. Seeya."

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