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Dante buried his face in Bridgette's neck and inhaled. She was pressed close to him where she belonged and he did not want to let her go.

She giggled. "Your facial hair tickles." She pulled away but stayed in his arms and stroked his eyebrows with her thumbs before cupping his cheek. "You'll see us soon. Tucker's excited to visit you. My mom said he hasn't stopped asking questions about you since we left. Hey--" She caught is uneasy distracted eyes and held them with her brown ones. They were so dark and rich it was becoming a physical pain being separated from her and waiting longer now to see his son again. "I understand why you have to stay. This shit is thick and Giovanni needs you by his side."

"What about you? What about Turner? What about what you two need?" He struggled ignoring the pressing against his chest like an invisible vice gripping him crushing his lungs.

"If something ever happened to Giovanni and you weren't there would you blame yourself?"

Dante frowned looking down at his leather shoes. He didn't like the answer and he knew where she was going with the question. It was all beside the point. How could he possibly make this choice when either way he'd be conflicted. He was talking big about leaving Giovanni, and somewhere he knew, if it wasn't time, it would be soon, but there was something unseen, unspoken that was looming over his head preventing him for acting.

"That's why you must stay at least until things settle. I don't want that guilt on you. I need--" She took a deep breath making him focus on her pretty face. "We need your whole heart with us when you're with us. No regrets." She coaxed his face to hers by the nape of his neck, then pulled out of his embrace and climbed up the stairs into the jet.

Dante stood on the concrete while the door to the jet closed. Bridgette's face appeared in one of the windows and she waved to him.

He swallowed a heavy pain clenching his chest before he raised his hand and waved back to her. Panic started rising in his chest. He shoved it down use to keeping it all contained. It bubbled up again and he forced it away again. Walking away the first time was hard enough he wasn't sure what he would do this time. This felt wrong. He knew it wasn't permanent, but traveling off and on to see them and flying them to Italy just wasn't enough.

On the other hand, Bridgette was right. Giovanni would need all the allies he could get especially for the next year while he solidified his place back on the throne. If anything happened to Giovanni while Dante wasn't around, he knew he'd blame himself.

Dante looked over at Giovanni when the man placed a hand on Dante's shoulder. Dante looked over Giovanni's shoulder and saw Francesco leaned on the car door his hands clasped in front of him, dark shades covering his eyes. The suit jacket was nice, but fit too big on the slender boy's shoulders.

"He needs to bulk up if he's to be your bodyguard." Dante said getting a laugh from Giovanni.

"You of all people should now the small ones are the scrappiest."

"Maybe but he looks like a paper bag. I bullet will go straight through him and hit you."

Giovanni clapped Dante's back. "Alright my friend. I will train the boy." There was a small silence. "I'm not certain why you're not on that plane."

"My place is here, with you." Dante said. Something he was used to saying because he thought it so much over the past two decades.

Giovanni forced Dante to face him. "Dante. Fratello. You belong with her both of us know that."

"I owe you my life."

"You helped me rise from the dead. Consider your debt paid in full. Besides, the boy," Giovanni motioned over his shoulder. "I think I like him better than you anyway."

The corner of Dante's lips lifted. He felt comfortable leaving Giovanni's wellbeing in Francesco's capable hands. No matter the boy's age he had what Dante had all those years ago. Smarts and loyalty. That's what Giovanni needed now more than ever. "Piero is still out there."

"I know. Francesco knows where he's headed. Cleaver boy got Piero's driver out the car for a smoke and planted a tracker. We'll catch him." Giovanni grabbed Dante' by the back of the neck and touched their foreheads together. "You are my brother. I hope you know that."

Dante nodded. "If you ever need me. For anything at all, you know I'm not far away."

Giovanni nodded. "I know that. I also know you belong with your family. Go get your son." Giovanni pulled away still holding Dante's face in his palms. "You, Fratello, will always be a Bianchi to me."

Dante fought back the tears that threatened. He was good at showing no emotion but what Giovanni said what he proclaimed was, unbeknownst to Dante, exactly what he wanted, neh, needed to hear Giovanni say. Dante realized in that moment that he'd worked his entire life striving for that honor, of being a Bianchi of living up to the expectations.

Dante exhaled settling in the peace that what he felt his entire life finally reciprocated. "Gratzie." Dante whispered.

"No. Thank you. For everything including dealing with my mood swings." He kissed Dante on both cheeks and released him.

Dante laughed and flagged down the pilot.

It seemed like an eternity when the door was finally open and he climbed on the plane. There a teary eyed Bridgette was waiting a few steps inside the door. She dove on him planting kisses all around his face. She giggled when he pulled her up in his arms and kissed her neck then reluctantly set her on her feet.

"Giovanni, he loves you."

Dante smirked. "He's been the only family I've ever had. Until you." He kissed her on the lips lingering there for an extra moment. He pulled there faces away only enough to search her dark eyes. He cradled her face in his palm and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "Until you. You and our son."




Thanks so much for sticking it out with me! Awe I'm a sucker for a happy ending. What about that Francesco? I think it might be interesting to see him in sometime in the near future after he's all trained up, huh???


Who was your favorite character in this story or in the Black Widow universe thus far?

Are there any obvious plot holes you thought would be resolved in this story?

Is Dante doing the right thing by leaving Giovanni?

Black Widow Presents is not done with you yet! The 5th and final book in this particular set of stories in the Black Widow Universe will be coming out end of this year beginning of 2019. It's called Smoke & Gun where Piero's threat to Giovanni and the other Italian families is finally neutralized. Once I develop this story more, I will post more information on it!

In a couple weeks, I will be posting a new erotic short story called Bad Daddy.

Tabetha Knight is stuck in life. When her sister isn't able to pick up her fiance's niece, Abigail,from school, Tabetha volunteers to do it. She gets herself into a precarious situation when she runs into an old crush and feels pressured into saying the little girl is hers. Abigail agrees to go along with the rouse as long as Tabetha agrees to go out with her father on a date. When Tabetha drops the little girl off, she has a hostile encounter with Abigail's father but is still muscled into the date. There is tension on the dinner date, but it's not the kind Tabetha was expecting.

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Check out my other stories if you haven't already.

Will see you soon!!

- ALEX  

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