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"Dr. Storm, you do realize assault is a crime, correct?"

I huff, finding this entire situation absurd. The police had me in a room on a whole other end of the psychiatric hospital, interrogating me. I did absolutely nothing wrong. Dr. Asshole Wells is the one who should be in questioning, certainly not me.

"You do realize Dr. Frederick Wells is a psychopath, correct?" I retaliate sharply.

"And where is the proof in that, Doctor?"

I stare down at the handcuffs that were placed on my wrists. I shake my head in false humor.

"The proof all lies inside my patient. I'm one hundred percent sure of it."

The police man, who I noticed by the name tag, goes by the name of Officer Reynolds. Officer Reynolds tilts his head questioningly at my statement. His face was covered in stubble, his brown hair fairly lengthy. He looked to be maybe in his thirties.

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because she's my patient, I know her," I say desperately, "I know her so well."

Officer Reynolds sorts through some papers inside his hands while flicking his eyes from mine to them. He licks his finger as he flips through the pages.

"Why don't we go see then?"

I'm surprised by his words and when he takes a key out to unlock the handcuffs. I rub my wrists thankfully when they're released and it makes my heart clench when I realize this is how Red must feel all the time.

I push the thoughts away from my head and get up to show Officer Reynolds the way to my patient's room. He follows carefully as I lead him to a certain room on the third floor. Unlocking it with my key, I enter quietly and slowly.

I see Red is laying there in her bed sound asleep. Her poor arms still locked to the sides of the bed but her legs are free. I see her little fingers have been all bandaged up, each and every one of them. Her face is still covered in her own self inflictions but all at the same time, she looks at peace.

Now I have to ruin it like I ruin everything else, and wake her up.

"Red," I whisper calmly as I lean down next to her bed.

I can hear Officer Reynolds shifting awkwardly behind me as I softly nudge her awake.

"Sweetheart, it's just me," I reassure.

Red's big doe eyes open and at first they are startled but when she sees my face, she is calmed. And it honestly caused butterflies to grow in my stomach.

"Red, there's an officer here. He wants to talk to you, okay?"

She doesn't answer but her eyes flicker over to the man standing behind me. He clears his throat.

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