Chapter 2: Explaining the Power Rangers

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 2 of this story and in this chapter let's say that something is going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"After the Rangers fought the White Fang, they are now students at Beacon and they are a 5 person team, and Teams, RWBY and JNPR are curious on what is a Power Ranger is. So, the Rangers decided to tell them..........
Jaune: "So,I just want to ask this. What started the Power Rangers?"
(Y/N): "Well, it started off with another group of Power Rangers."
Sapphire: "There are other kinds of Power Ranger teams."
(Y/N): "An empress named Rita Repulsa, was broken free and she was on the plan to conquer our planet. Which is Earth. And there was this guy named Zordon, he recruited 5 teenagers to become the first group of Power Rangers."
Ruby: "Wow."
Weiss: "What happened next?"
Zeke: "The battle started. And no matter how strong the enemy is, the Power Rangers always finds a way to win."
Damien: "Zeke here is the son of a legendary Power Ranger."
Blake: "Your the son of a Power Ranger legend?"
Zeke: "Yes. His name is Tommy Oliver. And I'm proud of him for being a Power Ranger."
Tyler: "His father was the Green, White, Red, and Black Rangers of different Ranger groups."
Yang: "Wait, Black Ranger? *looks at Zeke* Then that means........"
Zeke: "Yes. The Power Ranger that I am, is the Ranger my father was."
Jaune: "Woah."
Ruby: "Anything else?"
Tyler: "We also had to fight our enemies again when we defeat them, but the main enemy makes them bigger and taller."
Ren: "Like the size of a building?"
(Y/N): "Bigger."
Damien: "So we summon these giant mechanical robots called zords and we combine them together to form a megazord."
Nora: "Megazord. That sounds awesome to see a giant robot battle a giant monster."
Jaune: "You said, you five are from another world. How'd you get here?"
.........(Y/N) stands up and looks outside and he sighs.........
(Y/N): "An enemy from past showed up. He has a personal vendetta against us."
Yang: "Who is this guy?"
(Y/N): "Zeltrax."
Sapphire: "He helped the main bad guy and then he started doing things his way."
Zeke: "And we don't know how he survived, but we believe he's here. On Remnant."
..........everyone's eyes widen and they decided to give confidence..........
Yang: "Hey, if he is here. You five know what you must do."
(Y/N): "Yeah. We'll defeat him."

Tyler P.O.V

..........they nods and they went to the cafeteria to eat and then a laugh was heard and Tyler looks and sees four guys laughing at a girls with brown hair and she has rabbit ears. Then he tapped Ruby's shoulder.........
Ruby: "Yes Tyler?"
Tyler: "Who's that over there?"
Ruby: *looks at the direction* "Oh that's Cardin and his team. And that girl is Velvet."
Tyler: "Why are they laughing at her?"
Yang: "They bully her."
Blake: "They bully her cause she's a Faunus."
.........Tyler looks in disgust and the moment he sees them pull on her ear, that's when he had enough and he stands up and walks towards them, then Tyler slammed Cardin's hand in the table and he let go of Velvet's ear..........
Cardin: "What the........" *groans in pain*
........he groans in pain cause Tyler had his arm in a armlock.........
Tyler: "Leave her alone. You have no right bullying a girl cause she's a Faunus, so this is your only warning. Stay. Away. From. Her."
.........he lets his arm go and Tyler walks up to Velvet, her eyes widen and Tyler lifted his arm and blocks Cardin's mace with his powers and Cardin's eyes widen.........
Cardin: "What?"
Tyler: "Big mistake."
.........then his other arm glows blue with Triceratops scales and knocked Cardin back and he lands in a trash can and everyone laughs and Cardin's team runs off and he goes to Velvet.........
Tyler: "Are you okay?"
Velvet: "Yes. Thank you."
Tyler: "Don't mention it. I'm Tyler."
Velvet: "Velvet. It's nice to meet you."
Tyler: "Why are you sitting by yourself?"
Velvet: "My friends are busy, and I sat here by myself."
Tyler: "Then why don't you come hang out with us, it's okay."
.........she smiles and nods and they went back to the table and everyone congratulated Tyler and Velvet smiles and they continued hanging out............

Cinder P.O.V

.........Roman went back to a White Fang hideout and Cinder wasn't happy that her plan to steal more dust was ruined...........
Cinder: "So, you're telling me that these outfit colored teenagers came outta nowhere and stopped you plan?"
Roman: "Yes. And they defeated the White Fang like it was nothing. How can they loose to someone like them?"
Mercury: "Who are these guys?"
Roman: "They're called the........Power Rangers. I don't know if I heard right."
????: "The Power Rangers are unstoppable."
.........they heard an non-human like voice and they look to see something and it looked like a monster........
????: "Trust me, I know."
Emerald: "Who are you?"
Zeltrax: "I am Zeltrax. I am an enemy to the Power Rangers."
Mercury: "An enemy. You fought them?"
Zeltrax: "Yes. Your soldiers never stood a chance cause when they are morphed, no regular human can beat them. Let me join you, and I will make sure the Power Rangers are dealt with."
Cinder: "And how can we trust you?"
Zeltrax: "Cause I'm the only one to fight the Power Rangers, and I will get mods allies to help in the fight."
Cinder: "Very well."
.........she held out her hand and Zeltrax shook it and Cinder saw that Zeltrax could be the one to defeat the Power Rangers and continue her plan."

To be continued........

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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