Prologue: Traveling to a Another World

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is the prologue to this story and I also published the OCs that's the Rangers of this story and as a request. You, (the reader) is gonna be the son of Trent Mercer in this story and if you guessed it, your ranger color is:

 You, (the reader) is gonna be the son of Trent Mercer in this story and if you guessed it, your ranger color is:

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Yep the Red Ranger, and in this prologue is how the Rangers traveled to the world of Remnant,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"It was a normal day in Remnant and everyone was minding their own businesses and heading to work or headed somewhere, but in an alleyway a blue light was seen and electricity shocked everywhere and a portal opened up and came through 5 teenagers and they landed on the ground and the portal disappears. They get up and the teenagers were (Y/N) Mercer, Tyler Lantos, Sapphire Clarke, Zeke Oliver, and Damien West. These 5 are no ordinary teenagers, they are the new Dino Thunder Power Rangers and they we're battling a gaunt monster in their megazord and that's when the portal opened up and brought them and the zords into another world.........
Tyler: "What just happened? Did we show up in an alleyway?"
Sapphire: "I'm not sure, everything looks different."
(Y/N): "Let's walk out and see."
..........they head out the alleyway and they look around and they see they're in a totally different world and they're shocked.........
(Y/N): "I get it, we traveled to another world."
Damien: "But, at least they're humans here as well."
Sapphire: "Hold on, does that guy have a monkey tail?"
.........they look and they see a guy that she's referring to and they see other people with animal parts and they started freaking out.........
Zeke: "Okay, this is weird."
Damien: "You can say that again."
(Y/N): "Come on, let's walk around."
.........they walk and they see shops and other things and then the decided to slip up and look around more and (Y/N) was walking around and he turns a corner and he bumps into someone and the person falls.........
(Y/N): "I'm so sorry."
????: "It's okay. Accidents happen."
.........he recognized the voice to be a female and he sees a girl with long blonde hair and she had liliac eyes and (Y/N) blushed a little, he offers and hand and she takes it and he helps her up.........
????: "Thank you."
(Y/N): "No problem."
????: "Are you lost?"
(Y/N): "A little, I'm (Y/N) by the way."
Yang: "I'm Yang."
(Y/N): "Nice to meet you."
Yang: "So, where're you headed?"
(Y/N): "I'm not sure. I have nothing to do and I'm just walking around."
Yang: "So, a cute boy walking around and has nothing to do. Why don't you come with me and hang with my friends."
.........he was gonna say something, but couldn't as she already dragged him away and took him where her friends are, and around the corner Tyler saw everything and he contacted everyone.........
Tyler: "Hey guys. I think (Y/N) already met someone and he's being taken."
Damien: "We're on our way."
.........(Y/N) was being dragged by Yang and she took him to and he sees other people in the distance and she waved........
Yang: "Hey everyone."
........they look at Yang then at (Y/N)........
Blake: "Yang, who's this?"
Yang: "This is a guy I met and he had nothing to do and I asked him to join us."
Weiss: "Yang, are you serious? You just met him and you're already inviting someone random to join us?"
Ruby: "I don't mind. *approaches him* Hi, I'm Ruby Rose. It's nice to meet you."
Weiss: "I'm Weiss Schnee."
Blake: "Blake Belladonna."
Jaune: "I'm Jaune Arc."
Ren: "Names Ren."
Nora: "I'm Nora Valkyrie."
Pyrrha: "I'm Pyrrha Nikos."
(Y/N): "Nice to meet you all, I'm (Y/N) Mercer."
Zeke: "Hey (Y/N)."
.........everyone looks and Zeke, Sapphire, Damien, and Tyler walks up to them........
Yang: "You know these people?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. These are my friends."
Ruby: "Yay, more friends."
..........then everyone started hanging out and (Y/N), Tyler, Sapphire, Zeke, and Damien acted normal and tried not to be weird and then Weiss looks at (Y/N) and noticed something up his sleeve..........
Weiss: "Hey (Y/N), what's that on your wrist?"
(Y/N): "Oh it's nothing, just something I keep close to me. *rolls up sleeve* It's this."
Ruby: "Wow, it looks so cool."
Jaune: "Hey they have one to."
.........Tyler, Sapphire, Zeke, and Damian showed them........
Yang: "Must be some kind of friendship bracelet."
Blake: "It would be expensive with those gems on em."
Pyrrha: "I like your gem Damian."
Damien: "Thank you."
.........then an explosion was heard and they look to see White Fang soldiers stealing dust in a hurry and they drive off and Team RWBY and JNPR gets up and runs after them........
Tyler: "Are they nuts?"
Zeke: "They're going after some criminals."
Sapphire: "What are we waiting for, let's follow them."
(Y/N): "Let's go."
........they run after them and they follow the, to a warehouse and they see them fighting more of the same soldiers from the robbery and they're impressed by their fighting and more soldiers arrive and they run in........
Yang: "(Y/N), what're you guys doing?"
(Y/N): "Helping you what do you expect?"
.........they fight them and (Y/N) easily fights them and he does a double spin kick and he kicks one of em back and he does a sweep kick and trips one........
(Y/N): "This never gets old."
........then as a soldier was gonna strike him, he suddenly dodged it, but he moved fast and Yangs eyes widen. Then (Y/N) kicks the guys leg and he trips and (Y/N) does an agility motion and landed his foot on the soldiers back and crash him to the ground.........
(Y/N): "Now, who's next?"
........Tyler was easily fighting them as well and he flips one on the ground and he knees one of em back and he slammed one on the ground and one soldier was gonna attack him and he blocked it with his arm and some kind of blue scales appeared and blocked the attack, then he used his blue scale power to fight back and he delivered a clothesline that made a shockwave and knocked back a lot of soldiers..........
Tyler: "I never get tired of this."
........then Sapphire easily fights back thanks to her fighting and she dodged some attacks and she did a spinning motion and tripped multiple soldiers and she jumps in the air and does a rapid kick and knocked back some soldiers and she then looked at them and more soldiers ran to her, but she screamed and yellow sound waves shot out her mouth and pushed the soldiers back.........
Jaune: "How the he heck did she........."
........then Zeke and Damien fought the soldiers and they beat them in a matter of seconds as Zeke delivers a super kick knocking one soldier into a box and Damien does a spin kick knocking one down and they gathered and Teams RWBY and JNPR walked up to them........
Yang: "You guys can sure fight for real."
Ruby: "You guys were awesome."
????: "Well, well, well."
........they look and a guy with orange hair wearing a hat and wearing a trench coat was walking with more soldiers and they got in fighting stance.......
Ruby: "Roman."
Roman: "Little red, you just never learn. Do you? And just 5 more ordinary teenagers isn't gonna make a difference."
Tyler: "Did he just call us ordinary teenagers?"
Sapphire: "Yep."
Zeke: "You guys up for it?"
Damien: "I'm in, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): "Let's do this."
Blake: "What do you guys have planned?"
........they walk up to them a little and stood shoulder to shoulder........
Roman: "You five are really brave."
(Y/N): "You guys ready?"
Tyler, Sapphire, Zeke, Damien: "Ready."
........then the bracelets changed to something else........

(A/N: Morphing theme starts here.)

........(Y/N), Tyler, Sapphire, Zeke, and Damien had a glow around their bodies and the light disappears and they were in their ranger forms and everyone was shocked and amazed."
Jaune: "Am I seeing things?"
Yang: "Wow."
Roman: "What on Remnant is this?"
(Y/N): "Tyranno power."
Tyler: "Tricera power."
Sapphire: "Ptera power."
Zeke: "Bracio power."
Damien: "Draco power."
(Y/N): "Power rangers........"
Rangers: "Dino thunder."

To be continued........

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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