
Taking the biology review packet from the others, she also shifts through it carelessly. 'Basic biological material. Done.' Sisay can only be speechless as she also tosses the packet the same place where the chemistry book is before grabbing another one nearby. 'Physics. Some circuitry, which I would have to really review over, but everything else is okay,' Alex determines, bookmarking the page where it talks about the nature of electrical circuitry before tossing it to a different spot on the table. 'English. Pass. Math, definitely pass. I can run integrals around Wen Zhegang any day. History, needs work. Chinese, thank you translator program. Geography, also needs work. Why does every city and country have to have their names changed?'

【Is this really going to be okay, Alex?!】

'Definitely! You worry too much Sys,' Alex reassures, before settling down over the history review. She's fairly good at remembering information long term but a most of time, that only applies if she can hear them through the ear. As an auditory learner, she often has to read things out loud before anything can really stick inside her head. So she went through the history packet and while she's decent in world history, S country's history is an entire thing itself.

Either way, in her corner of the library, Alex quietly reads to herself, words steadily flowing from her mouth as she parses through a fourth of S country's history. Half an hour later, she asks Sisay to read along with her and though it surprised the System at first, Sisay starts reciting along with her, making Alex content with having both her words and the System's words echoing in her head.

By lunchtime, Alex has read through a quarter of S country's history and she has also demonstrated her understanding by reciting a basic summary of everything they've gone over in the past few hours. Sisay is flabbergasted by how much she has retained.

【Alex... that's...】

'Hm?' She absentmindedly asks as she packs up all of her materials, but Sisay doesn't say anything more as she strides out of the library, single-track-mindedly heading towards 2-A. Though Alex has every intention of meeting up with her kid in the classroom, as soon as she heads up the stairs, Bai Yang literally jumps into her view as if he was being chased. He looks frantic and pale, the sweat visible on his forehead but once he sees her, his whole face lights up.

Then he sees the pile of paper in her arms and pales once again.

"Alex!" Bai Yang calls out as he nearly dashes off the stairs, easily meeting her halfway. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course," she soothes, wanting to therapeutically rub his soft hair but her hands are frustratingly occupied with papers. "Come on, let's go back to the classroom so that I can put these down and we can have lunch."

"You're... You're not expelled?"

"Pft, no," Alex snorts while Bai Yang just looks infinitely confused. "I'll tell you all about it in the classroom. Let's have lunch; I'm starving already."

Though Bai Yang wants to ask more questions, he concedes once he hears that his friend is hungry.

Soon enough, they make their way up the stairs and onto the second floor, ignoring all the stares and whispers they have received as they walk down the halls and into their classroom. As usual, they head towards her desk and use it as a makeshift dining table for both of them to eat on.

Once she is given her lunch box, Alex then starts retelling everything that happened inside the Headmaster's office—excluding the Chao-Chao bastard's exact words in concern towards their bet. Either way, Bai Yang pales once again in extreme worry, his eyes wide and disbelieving.

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