
It's like two am. Go to bed 😂

"EVIE!" Alfie runs into my room. "I just seen his tweet."

He looks super angry. Like I mean extremely angry.

Zoë rushes in aswell.

"Oh darling." She hugs me.

"I guess it wasn't real." I choke back the tears.

They advise we to tweet about it.

I did not cheat on Max. Never in my life would I do that. That's just messed up. Obviously what Max done. Conner and I were just friends. Obviously from the vlog you could see us messing around. When we were looking serious, we were talking about our passions. I really did like Max. A lot. Now he just gave up. We were going out a week so I don't think it was actually real. It felt real to me. Don't give hate to anyone. Guess it wasn't meant to be x ~Evie

"Oh my." Annie rubs my back.

"Honestly I just don't want to anymore." I say.

Zoë and Alfie leave the room to let me have some girl time with Annie.

Mads calls me.

"You and Max were going out!" She exclaims.

"I guess yeah." I shrug.

"Girl. Let's go out. Make him see what he lost." She says.

Annie asks for both of us. We are allowed so Annie and Mads help me pick out an outfit.

We decide to go to universal

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We decide to go to universal.

"Okay. Mads and Riley are in charge they are older. Call us when you need to be picked up. Evie I love you so much and go forget about him." Zoë tells us.

"I love you too Zoë." I smile hugging her.

She hugs me tighter and tells me to have a wild time.

"Okay. Picture time." Mads smiles.

I pose with Annie and we talk some bomb pictures.

I post one to my insta.

Can always depend on her to cheer me up @annieleblanc

I post another one with the group of us saying

And I can't forget these lovely ladies. I may not have known two of them for long but I can already call them my best friends x (also wishing @sebdamn  and @izziecam was here)

The Journey Ahead  \\Sequel to ABZ// Where stories live. Discover now