Ep.2: Legend Of Gobblewonker

Comenzar desde el principio

Stan: Aha, no but with this these cataracts I might as well be. What is that, a woodpecker?

You: Careful!!!

We crashed through the forest and we finally got to our destination.

Stan: Ok ok, open them up!

Dipper and Mabel: *take off their blindfolds*

Stan: Ta-da!!! It's fishing seasons!!!

Mabel: Fishing?

Dipper: What are you playing at, old man?

Stan: You're gonna love it, the whole town's out here! *looks at the other people in the lake* That's some quality family bonding time!!!

Dipper: Grunkle Stan, why do you wanna "bond" with us all of a sudden?

Stan: C'mon, this is gonna be great!!! I've never had fishing buddies before! The guys from the lodge won't go with me. They don't "like" or "trust" me. And (y/n) always chooses to stay in the Shack.

You: I'm more of an indoor person.

Stan: Where't you the one who suggested to go skydiving?

You: Fine, I'm a complex person.

Stan: *eye roll* So what do you say?

Mabel: I think he actually wants to fish with us!

Stan: Hey, I know what'll cheer you sad sacks up. *pulls out to fishing hats with the name Dippy in one and Mabel in the other and puts them on the twins' heads* Pow! Pines family fishing hats!!! That's... that's hand stitching, you know. It's just gonna be you three, me, and those goofy hats on a boat for ten hours!!!

Dipper: Ten hours?!?

Stan: I brought the joke book~!!!

Dipper: No, no!!!

Mabel: There has to be a way out of this!!!

Old Man: I'd seen it!!! I'd seen it again!!! *runs through the whole place pushing and hitting anything in his way* The Gravity Falls Gobblewonker!!! Come quick before it scrabdoodles away!!! *does some weird dance*

Mabel: Aww, he's doing a happy jig!!!

Old Man: Nooo!!! It's a jig of grave danger!

Worker: Hey, hey!!! Now what have I told you about scaring my costumers?!? This is your last warning, dad!!! *sprays the old man with water*

Old Man: But I got proof this time back company!!!

Dipper and Mabel: *look at each other*

Old Man: *points at a broken boat* Behold!!! It's the Gobbleywonker who done did it!!! It had a long neck like a gee-raffe!!! And wrinkly skin like uh... *points at Stan* like this gentleman right here!!!

Stan: Hm?

Old Man: It shot my boat up into smither-runes and ship-shaped over to Scuttlebutt Island!!!  You gotta believe me!!!

Blubs: Attention all units, we've got ourselves a crazy old man.

Everyone: *laughs*

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