The truth

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John was ..... startled? Concerned? Excited? He had sat down in his chair and had just been watching Sherlock set up a sheet on the wall and a projector. He was, to say the least, curious. It was quite adorable. Watching Sherlock struggle with the sheet on the wall with all of the holes. All while John, not so subtly, checked Sherlock out.
All of this had taken 14-ish minutes.

"Uhhhh.... finally done." Sherlock plopped (quite literally) into his chair. " Should have thought of that before."

"Yeah. Maybe." John was grinning like an idiot. His Sherlock was so adorable. Even when he's shooting the wall.

Sherlock glared at John with not much force because he was honestly just so nervous. If this doesn't work out the way he wants it to, he could lose John forever. Never be able to see his beautiful face ever again. That's a horrible thought.

Time to rip the band-aid off.

"We begin January 29, 2012." Sherlock jumps out of his chair to show the first slide. Once it's one the projector he straightens his back, trying to make this whole thing like he's holding a seminar for college students. The more scientific the better, he thinks.

" I was just finishing up a study on tobacco ashes when you," he gestures to John, " walked into my life. More like hobbled if we are both being honest."

John smiles slightly. He is feeling very confused right now. Sherlock is presenting this whole thing almost exactly how he presented the intricacies of rigor mortis to him a couple weeks ago.

" First, I noticed how you help yourself. Then your hair cut, then the way you were dressed, Then," Sherlock looked away from John a cleared his throat," your wondrous eyes."


From where he was standing, Sherlock felt his heart speed up feeling that he did something wrong.

"Yes John?"

"Come, if you will, sit down and talk to me with out your safety net. Please."

" I have no clue what -"

"Yes you do, you clever man. Now come and sit down so we can talk like adults."

Sherlock contemplated running to his room and living there for the rest of his life. But he could never say no to John.

"Good now that you are seated, please tell me what's going on in that wondrous mind of yours."

"WELL, I was just starting to presently well thought out  slideshow when you so rudely interrupted."

" Sherlock, you're deflecting.What is this really about?"

" I.. umm... just wanted to tell you that... I have some... not so platonic feelings for you."

John is not so surprised seeing since he has had to sit through a 20 minutes of Sherlock trying to get his nerves together. But it feels great actually hearing it. He just sat there and took it all in. They could finally belong to each other (officially because they already did). After all of the heartbreak and sorrow that the had to endure they could finally be happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2018 ⏰

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