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The Next Morning

The Next Morning

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(Her dress)

Celeste stands by the window to the dining room with her friends and a few other people from the royal family's personal entourage, as they all wait for them to get here. It was customary for the royal entourage to enter after the royal family. Everyone else in court is already inside waiting hungrily.

Celeste looks out the window and smile watching as a young stable boy struggles to get one of the horses to follow him into the fields. Her eyes are drawn to the back of a man's head, a oddly familiar head, as he left the small group of men he spoke to. She watched intrigued as he made his way over to the boy when he notices his struggle.

His bleach blonde hair reaching just below his shoulders. His broad shoulders stood high on his tall figure. Even from this distance, she could see strength in his muscles and the power in his walk. She wanted him to turn around. She wanted to see his face. She felt drawn to him for some reason. In a way I've only ever felt with the mate bond , but it couldn't be who she thought it was, not here. Her eyebrows knit together as the need to go to him increased.

Celeste watches as he helps the boy and just when he's about to turn around Nate nudges her in the side to get her attention. They all stood up straight up seeing the royal family approaching.

"You still smell like him," Nate whispers in her ear so only she can hear.

"Damn it," Celeste mutters. She had taken extra long in the shower to make sure she didn't smell like him. "Is it that bad?" She asks worriedly.

"No, just make sure you hug him."

Celeste nods gratefully for the heads up. The last thing I needed was everyone in court knowing she wasn't a virgin. That was a big no no.

They all bow their heads in respect as the royal family stood in front of them. After a moment the king cleared his throat signaling for them to stop.

The queen steps in front of Celeste with a small smile on her face. "Celeste."

"Your majesty," Celeste smiles back as Queen Anne looked at her clothes. "I see you are still finding ways to be true to your culture while following the rules."

"Of course your majesty." Celeste's body tenses as she feels his eyes burning a hole through her body. She wanted so badly to look at him.

"I've always admired that about you. You're a lot like your mum, always testing your boundaries." She giggles. "That's one of the reasons we became so close."

"Don't praise her too much mother she's still a rebellious little nightmare," Marcel says approaching them. Celeste instantly smiled giving him her full attention. She was so caught up in his eyes that she forgot to bow.

"Your majesty," Celeste says lowering her head. His fingers gently touch her chin as he slowly lifts her chin up. Once again she found herself lost in his eyes. His fingers linger before he slowly pulls away smirking.

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