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Chapter 2: A World of Intrigue

Eight years had passed since that fateful night when the world of Atyana had been plunged into darkness. The Medici and Lothbrok families had grown and changed in many ways during those long years. Celeste, once a timid and quiet child, had transformed into a wild and impulsive young woman, though she retained an air of poise and elegance that spoke of her royal lineage.

Matteo Lothbrok, on the other hand, had matured into an introspective and thoughtful young man, his keen intellect setting him apart from his peers. Unlike his older brother, Matteo had always been an unusually serious child, often referred to as an old soul by the adults around him. He found little interest in the frivolities that fascinated normal kids, but he harbored a secret love for the mischievous schemes that Celeste constantly pulled him into. He claimed it was to keep her out of trouble, but the truth was that he secretly relished every moment of their adventures together.

Despite their stark differences, Celeste and Matteo remained as close as ever, their bond unbreakable. Their friendship had survived the tumultuous events of their childhood, and it was this very bond that a shadowy figure named Klaus sought to exploit.

Amidst the holiday celebrations in the opulent palace of Osirus, where chandeliers glimmered like constellations and the air was filled with laughter and chatter, Celeste and Klaus, her betrothed, found themselves engaged in a playful yet heated argument. Celeste's fiery temper blazed as she yelled at Klaus, dodging his attempts to give her a Christmas present.

"Vous êtes tellement ennuyeux!" Celeste exclaimed angrily, running away from Klaus.

"It's not a big roach, I swear," Klaus insisted, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

"Niklaus!" Celeste cried, skillfully evading his attempts to thrust a box towards her.

"It's a Christmas present!" he protested, hurt by her lack of enthusiasm. Once again, he pulled out a small, ornately wrapped box from behind his back, determined to win her over.

Matteo, always the serious one, stood behind his older brother, frowning slightly. He had never been one for pranks or practical jokes and found Klaus's antics rather tiresome. This was not how you treated your future wife. However, despite his reservations, he couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity about what lay inside the little box.

"Klaus," Matteo interjected, standing firmly behind his older brother.

Klaus smiled, admitting that the present was for Celeste, but he refused to show it to Matteo.

"What's in your hand?" Matteo inquired.

"A present."

"Let me see."

Klaus shook his head. "It's not for you. It's for Celeste."

A scowl crept across Matteo's face, and after some prodding, Klaus reluctantly handed over the box. He complained that Celeste was always favored, a sentiment that his brother didn't appreciate.

However, their playful argument was abruptly interrupted by Bellatrix, one of Celeste's aunts, who pulled on Klaus's ears and scolded him for bringing insects into the castle.

"What did I tell you about bringing insects into the castle?" she scolded.

Ariel, Celeste's cousin and the instigator of Klaus's prank, couldn't help but snicker, even though it was her idea. John, Celeste's uncle, raised an eyebrow at Ariel's behavior.

"Hmm?" Ariel feigned innocence.

"Lay off the kid," Selena, Celeste's childless aunt, intervened, taking a sip of her rum. "We're here to celebrate."

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