We Love You and We Miss You. (Prompt: Missing)

51 11 18

(Weekend WriteIn for 11.05.18)

Isabella was cleaning the hearthrug when she heard a loud knock at the door.

"Must be Olly." She mumbled to herself and went to open it.

"Can't you ring the bell?" She asked irritatedly to her younger brother.

"When somebody comes home after a long and tiring day, instead of flooding them with your questions, greet them with a smile."  Oliver stated dramatically.  "A smile refreshes their minds, deletes their tiredness, undo their anger and downloads cheerfulness in them."

Isabella chuckled at her brother's dramatic monologue. 

"You have totally gone on dad." She grinned. "Both of you love to bring  geeky terms in each and every topic."

"Maybe."  Her brother shrugged his shoulders. " Bella, don't you think that you have gone on mom? Always blabbering!" he guffawed.

 Isabella looked at her brother making an angry face. "I won't utter a single word if you ring the bell next time."

"Why? Can't you hear the knock?" Oliver inquired raising his brows.

Isabella shotted a disgusted glance at her brother and said. "What if I am cleaning the rooms upstairs and...."

"Don't joke Bella, you never clean the rooms on upstairs. It's me who always do that."

"Here's another trait that you got from dad. Boasting." Bella shook her head. "You guys love to boast, even about the things that you do once in a year." She grinned.


After dinner both the siblings were sitting in their room and discussing regarding the traits that both of them have inherited from their parents.

"You have the majority of dad's traits," Bella said smiling at her brother. "Including the bad ones too." She winked.

"The only good trait that you have got from mom is cooking. Otherwise, you have got nothing good from both of them." Olly said mockingly.

Suddenly, both of them became quiet. The room got filled up with plaintive silence. Olly walked towards the window.

"Which ones are mom and dad?" He asked pointing towards the star-studded sky through the window.

"The brightest one, is dad and the one which twinkle's the most, is mom." Bella said heaving a sigh

He smiled at his sister's response.

"Why dad's the brightest?" He asked looking at the stars.

Instead of replying Bella went towards the bookshelf that was adorned with numerous merit certificates and books of their software engineer dad. 

" But why will mom twinkle the most?" He asked glancing at the shelf.

"You remember how she used to fill up the house with her blabbering? That's why she will twinkle the most." Bella laughed innocently.

But her brother didn't join her laughter. He shifted his gaze to the sky.

"Yeah, I remember it. I remember everything. You know remembering them is easy. I do it every day." He sighed.

"Don't you miss them, Olly?" She asked.

"I do Bella, I do." He mumbled. "I miss them every time."

" It's not, I haven't seen them for long time type of miss. It's I need them at this very moment type of miss." He sighed looking at her sister."That's a heartache, Bella."

"You know mom was wrong. She always told that time changes everything. But that's not true. The truth is that time changes nothing, It's death which changes everything." She paused for a breathe.

"I miss the sound of mom's blabbering and dad's geeky terms. ......... I miss them," she said wiping her tears.

"Heaven is a pretty backward place," Olly said clearing his throat. "It doesn't even have a phone so that we can hear the voice of the people living there..... when we badly miss them."

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