"Let go of me Abel," Hana warned, her nails digging into his wrist, causing his eyes to wince. Shoving her away, Hana climbed up the stairs as Abel tailed her,

"You know, you're beginning to piss me off you ungrateful ass bitc-"

"Shut the fuck up. You think I piss you off? Well what do you think you do?" Hana halted, a few steps to the top as she pivoted toward Abel, face to face, no fear in her eyes but she was definitely shaking out of anxiety.

"I went for some ice cream with a friend I met at an event with Bella," Hana lied, well partially. If he found out she was with Frank, he'd be in hysterics, which was quite hypocritical considering that they weren't dating, but technically were at the same time. They go to events publicly, were seen together a few times with paparazzi, hell she slept under the same sheets as him when he came to California.

"When the fuck are you going to stop lying? Just admit you were with Frank!" He grits, "Baby girl you gotta do better than that,"

All the color in Hana's face began to waver as sweat began to perspire from her forehead, "Abel, listen I can explain,"

"Enlighten me,"

"What you said to me was very insensitive. I thought after I flew down here with you, you promised me that you'd never bring up my

Abel quirked an eyebrow, "When did I say this?"

"When I became Valerie, your Thursday."

Hana made a brief observation of this. Valerie was her alter-ego, a girl that lived for the thrill of being with a man that promised her opportunity. Coincidentally enough, the times they fucked were always on a Thursday—a day he seemed to notify her that he was in town. Abel stood there, unable to say anything else but Hana continued,

"Right, I'm going to bed."

"Did you fuck him?" Abel replies lowly, clearly drunk. Hana arched her eyebrow, scoffing at the incredulous accusation however choosing to be sarcastic to piss him off even more.

"Sure, he gave me five dollars, and a Jodeci CD," She replied dryly, rolling her eyes before shuffling to the bedroom, and slamming the door. She didn't realize how mentally exhausting it was to be with Abel, he went around the country having sex with countless women, yet it was a crime to enjoy the company of Frank—a man that Hana was immensely in love with.

Don't get Hana wrong, Abel was a close competitor with Frank, but he couldn't never make her feel so raw, so happy, yet so real at the same time. Her body grew limp as the small of her back began to slide down the door, her coccyx hitting the wooden floor as she began to break down in tears. She didn't know who to call, who to trust, let alone who to believe anymore. She didn't even feel like herself anymore. Sometimes Hana wished she still had her mother next to her to comfort her and give her advice on what to do. Now here she was crying over a man that promised her so much, yet made her feel so low.

She needed to feel something again suddenly, but she was too stubborn to initiate sex first with Abel, and right next to sex was drugs. He had to have stash of pills somewhere in the bathroom. Locking the door, Hana walked into the walk-in bathroom, custom made, chrome interior designs made by a curator in Persia as she slid her hand on the white counter, making her way to the medicine cabinet. Opening it, her mouth watered at the options, Xanax, MDMA, Percocet, a small bag of cocaine, alongside some Promethazine.

Grabbing all of the substances, Hana started off with three lines of cocaine, snorting the content off of the counter as she held her nostrils up to avoid from getting a nose bleed, she popped two Xanax dry, and chased it with the liquidity of the Promethazine. She put the content back inside of the compartment of Abel's cabinet as she sauntered to the bed, her body growing limp by the minute, yet her heart was beating so fast—she was beginning to think that signs of an overdose was evident.

Her eyes wanted to roll in the back of her head so fucking bad, but her mind told her to stay aware of the surroundings as sleep was the cousin of death—and Hana was playing with the seams of it.

She moaned, numbly grabbing her phone to dial a number, after two buzzes, the person on the other line responded.

"Hana?" The voice ask, it was Dr. Schneider, her therapist, "Do you realize how late it is?"

"Yeah," she slurred, "Things are starting to get bad again."

She heard the bed shift, indicating that she was leaving the bedroom to make small talk with her client.

"What things Hana? Talk to me,"

"I've relapsed. Abel and I were in an argument about Frank-"

"The man that you're in love with," She states, assuring that's what Hana told her in their most recent session.

Hana thought about it but responds nonetheless, "Yes."

"Does Abel know?"

"I don't know if he knows. He just gets defensive every time I bring it up, and-" her eyes began to sting, tears were going to spill soon if she doesn't speak up, "All of this is making me think of my mother, I want to find her but I can't fucking remember."

Dr. Schneider grew empathic, as she was a mother of two beautiful children. She began to jot down a few notes in a miniature composition book, "Hana baby please don't cry. I promise you we'll find her, and your brother. It'll take time but you'll find closure soon, with yourself, and your past."

Hana's tears stained Abel's sheets as she rubbed her nostrils that were red from the coke, "I don't want to make peace with my past, there's so much I still can't come to terms with. Like my ex Rashad, my abusive father, my friends. This is all so much,"

"The past hurts us sometimes, it's okay to visit it time and time again, but don't stay there. That's where relapsing occurs. We want you to heal Hana, not hurt."

There was a brief silence on the phone which concerned the therapist, "Hana, are you okay? Speak to me you're making me worry," She laughed nervously as Hana's eyes grew heavy.

"I'm fine," Hana slurred, "I'm just really tired."

"Do you want to schedule an appointment tomorrow morning?" She inquired.


"What time?"

"Noon." Hana mumbled, her eyes closing while listening to her Therapist speak.

"Great. In the mean time, please stay away from any substances, if push comes to shove, I will recommend that you go to Rehabilitation."

"I don't need that shit," Hana swore.

"Then prove it to me,"

The line clicked dead, as Hana's eyes closed completely. Wishing she could just sleep forever.

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