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Midoriya's P.O.V

 Today is my first day of college. I get my stuff out of the back of my mom's car. I look at her and see she is all teary. I go and hug her.

"It's alright mom. This won't be the last time you see me. I will try and visit as often as I  can. Alright?"

" Ok. Promise?"

" I promise."

 I let go of her and give her a smile. I take my stuff off of the floor and turn to my mom.

" Well this is it. I'll see you soon. Bye mom."

"Bye Izuku!"

 She gives me one more hug before I walked through the gates of the prestigious academy U.A University. I head to the administratory office to get my schedule,room key and pass. When I get there it's a long frikin ass line. I guess I just have to wait in it. It is a good thing I only carried one suitcase and my backpack now because, It would have been a hassle.

*2 hours later*

 I finally got my stuff. That took fucking years. I looked at my room number "366 on the western wing." I started to scan the doors for my room numbers





 I am getting closer. Ah ha!


 I open the door to my dorm room. WOW! U.A  dorm room is nuice! This is like a frikin penthouse! I set my stuff down to one side in the living room. I start to look around the place. We have 1 kitchen,1 living room/dining room,2 bathrooms a balcony,2 study/library rooms,1 guest room and 2 bedrooms. Damn! U.A went all out. A man could get used to this kind of life. I look into one of the bedrooms. I see that someone already has their stuff set up. I guess that means the room across is mine then. I close the door and go into the next room.

 I get my stuff from the living room and carefully set them on the floor in my room. I open up the walk in closet and started putting some clothes in. I am a fairly organized and clean person.

 While I was packing some clothes in my drawer when I heard the front door open. I come out of my room and I assume that it's my roommate. I see Kirishima.

"Hey Kirishima!"

"Hey Izuku!"

"I guess you're my roommate this year!"

"Yeah,i'm so happy! This is gonna be a good year."

"Yeah,It is!"

"You wanna hangout after this?"

"Yeah,sure. Just let me finish getting mt stuff ready."

"Sure, Take your time! Let me just call the gang and ask if they are ready."


  I then quickly put my stuff in my drawer and change into some casual clothes. I wore blue jeans,a white plus ultra hoodie and a red and black flannel around my waist with  black and white converses. I walk into the living room and see Kiri on his phone. I bet he is talking to his boyfriend Bakugo. I walk over and he looks up at me. 

"Ready?" He asked me


 Then I got my phone and keys then we walked out of the dorm.

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked curious.

"We are meeting everyone at a park nearby."


 Then Kiri and I startup a conversation about our summer and how we are looking forward to the school year and all that crap. We then reached the park he was talking about. We Uraraka and Tsuyu  sitting on a bench under a tree chatting idly. They looked very happy together. I was so happy when Uraraka and Tsuyu out. Uraraka couldn't stop talking about how Tsuyu is and how she is the perfect girlfriend. We walked up to them.

"Uravity how have you been?!" I say to her. She then looks up in surprise then jumps up and hugs me. 

"Deku! How are you?! I have been great especially sine all summer Tsuyu and I were together!"

"That's great!"

"What about me?! You see Izuku first before you even noticed me, I feel betrayed!" Kirishima said in a playful tone.

"Kirishima!" She said as she tackles him to the ground. I go and sit next to Tsuyu on the beanch.

"Hey there Midoriya-kun, Kero."

"Hey there Tsuyu-chan. How have you been?"

"Good,but a little tired. Uraraka is a handful,kero."

"I know right, tell me about it." I said laughing as I remembered all the times we got in trouble together.

"So how are things on your side of life with Todoroki-kun,ribbit?"

"It's been going alright. He is ok with his split personalities and everything."

"OK,but I wasn't talking that,kero. I was asking how's your relationship with todoroki-kun going,ribbit?"

"It's been alright. We have talked to each other over the summer. I haven't really seen him cause of the whole in another country for collage thing and because I was busy. We'll work it out though."

"It'll get better,kero."

"Thanks,I really miss him though."

"If I were you I would miss him a lot too,kero. I can't imagine not being around my sweet,sweet Uravity,kero. I would die of loneliness,ribbit."

"I didn't know you were such a drama queen Tsuyu."

"I guess Uraraka has really rubbed off on me."

 Then we both laughed our asses off. We calmed down enough to see that Bakugo,Sero and Kaminari were coming over here. Uraraka got off Kirishima not wanting to get Bakugo angry. Kririshima then springed up and ran over to them.

Bakugo's P.O.V

 Pikachu,Tape dispenser and I were walking to the park where shitty hair told us to meet him. We get there and see Deku and frog face laughing and that Gravity  bitch on MY boyfriend when forg girl over there is HER girlfriend! I was about to storm over there and drag her off him when they saw us coming. She came off him and Kirishima ran towards us. He jumped into my arms. We almost fell over together. I hugged him and kissed his forehead.

"You two should get a room." Tape dispenser said.

'Shut up flat teeth!" I shouted at him.

 He just laughed it off as he was used to this.

"When did the savage beast get tamed? Kiri you did a good job taming him." Volts for brains said.

"Thanks,It's alot of work."

"Hey! I'm right here shitty hair!"

"Let me finish,But it's worth it cause he is really sweet in the end."

"AWW!~" The other 2 extras said.(I accidentally typed sextras. XD)

"Bakugo you treat this one right.He's a keeper!"

"I didn't plan on losing him in the first place volts for brains!"

"Aww!~ Bakubabe! I'm so touched by your manly words!~"

'Don't be, seriously."



"Let's go over to where the others are."



 That's all folks. You've been waiting for this for a few months now. I know there isn't any tododeku in it yet and it's not that good but trust me it gets better, I swear. (>_<) I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Your author,


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