Chapter 28: Stay With Me

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"Do... you know if he's been seeing anyone?" I asked feeling childish.

"Emma," Natalie spoke my name, her voice softer and reluctant.

"What's her name?" my voice quivered.

"Amelia, they've hung out a couple of times," she informed me, sadness evident in her voice.

"Let me talk t' her," I heard Niall say. A bit of rustling occurred as Natalie handed her phone to him. "Emma, I'm going to buy you a plane ticket. Because I guarantee you, if you were to show up Harry would fall to his knees and beg you to stay. Harry is still very much in love with you. All that he's doing with Amelia is putting on a show, he truthfully can't stand her. She's too Beverly Hills for him."

"Niall, I can't let you do that," I refused even though it is very tempting.

"Yes you can Emma. I have all this money and what good is it doing sitting in the bank when it could be bringing two of my friends together, ending their mutual pain? I'm searching for a flight right now anyways so no use arguing with me anymore."

"I'll pay you back, and you aren't allowed to refuse," I caved in.

"Fine if you are that dead set on not owing me anything," Niall chuckled.

"I already owe you for everything that's happened between Harry and I. If it weren't for you, I never would have met him."

"Then you actually owe Natalie because she was the one who ran into me," he laughed again, a bit harder this time.

"You are never going to let me live that one down, are you?" I heard Nat's loud laughter.

"Nope," Niall answered her. "Anyways, there is a flight that leaves at two pm your time. That gives you six hours to pack and get to the airport early enough to get through security."

"Thank you, Niall. Thank you so much for everything," I told him.

"You're welcome, Em. Now get your butt here as soon as possible."

"I will. Goodbye, Niall."

"Bye Em."

"Goodbye Emma!" Natalie yelled. I just laughed and ended the phone call.


"And my friend Brittany was like 'Just do it!' so I was all 'No way! My hair will set on fire!' Brit just laughed and then her face got all serious before she shoved me into the guy with the sparklers," Amelia continued to tell her... with no other way to put it, horrible story.

I remained looking down at my dish as her squeaky voice shrilled on. But after a while I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out of here. So I excused myself to the loo. She looked a little upset that I had interrupted her but I can't feel guilty right this moment for being rude.

As I walked past the restaurant's entrance I was stopped dead in my tracks by the person who stood just outside the doors. It couldn't possibly... no. Emma is in.. London? I walked outside and stopped a little bit less than a foot away from her.

"Harry," she exhaled my name in relief. "You are here. I wasn't sure if I had gotten the right address." She took a step closer, significantly decreasing the space between us.

"Emma... what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here," I stumbled over my words, bewildered that it was actually her. That she was really here. I hadn't been expecting her to show up out of the blue like this.

"H-Harry," Emma stuttered, stepping back again, hurt flooding her light blue eyes.

"That is not what I meant," I said slowly, my eyes squeezing shut once I realized my mistake.

Figuring Out Emma (Harry Styles)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt