chapter seventeen

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Next morning

Selena was already wide awake.  She was ready to leave and go travel the world with Justin. She loved him so much and to be honest, she knew that he was her happiness. He was the only guy who could make her happy.

Selena jump on the bed,  while Justin was sleeping peaceful. While jumping on him, he woke up.

"Wake up."

He smiled and opened his eyes,  seeing Selena sitting on him. He placed both of his hands on her waist. "You're excited for this,  aren't you?"

"I am.  I can't wait to travel with you.  I can't wait to spend my whole life with you,  Justin."

He sat up and got comfortable. "Why do you want to be with me?"

"You make me happy, Justin."

He didn't say anything but felt loved. Selena lean down and kissed his lips. "Now, let's hurry."

"Okay, but first get off of me." he let out a laugh.  She smiled and got off of him. He got up and went to the bathroom. She watched him and yet she couldn't help but smile at him. He turned to her and smile. He loved her.


Mariah slept over at Selena's dad house. They were both going to drive together to go this house to get Selena back. She woke up and saw that he was nowhere to be seen at. "Mr. Johnson?" she raised up from the couch and looked around,  seeing no-one. She yawn and got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen but no sign. Mariah raised an eyebrow. "Hello?" she looked through the window and saw that the barn door was opened. Maybe he was in there,  she told herself.

Mariah went out the back door and walked straight to the barn door. "Mr Johnson,  are you in here?" The barn was dark. Mariah turned to the wall and had turned the switch up. It turned the lights on. Mariah looked around,  seeing pictures, knifes and mostly weird things that creepy people would keep. Mariah walked around,  seeing what kind of pictures he had up.

The first things she looked at,  it was a picture of Selena's mom. But the weird part was that someone had mark a X on her picture. Mariah looked around and saw that newspaper about the mom,  saying that they could never figure out the death, she was found dead in this old house that was caving in.  No-one couldn't figure out how she got there.

Why did her dad have all this? She asked herself.  Maybe he was doing a lot of research to find her or to figure out the death.

Mariah looked down and saw a tape. She grabbed the tape and looked at it for a second.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to see what this was about. Mariah put the tape into the VCR and turned the t.v on. She pushed play.

This was film a couple years ago. The tape started to play. Mariah noticed something odd. This was film where Selena's car was pulled over at.

Mariah panic.

But the person who got out of the car was Selena's mom.

"What?" She was confused. She kept watching the tape. Selena's mom was looking around the car and with that,  Mariah saw a guy walking out of the woods.  "Oh my gosh!" Mariah teared up. Her mom turned around and jump,  seeing him standing there. They were talking. The guy was checking inside of her hood,  while Selena's mom was standing there next to him. A couple of minutes pass and he got the car back running. They shook hands. Selena's mom started to walk to her car but before she could get any further, the guy walked back up to her and had grabbed her by the hair and bang her head against the window. She fell to the ground and the guy pick her up and started to carry her.

Mariah cried. The face of the guy was the same guy from yesterday. He killed Selena's mom.

Mariah turned her head to see pictures of Selena hanging against the wall. She had a big X on her picture too.  And with that,  she saw a tape in front of Selena's  picture.

Mariah covered her mouth and cried. She lightly walked over to the tape and grabbed it. She walked over to the VCR and took the other tape out and put Selena's tape in. It started to play.

Seeing what she saw,  she started to cry more. She knew she saw a camera that night and yet she wish she said something. Everything was making sense now.

Her dad has been acting weird lately and he hasn't cried.

Mariah saw Selena screaming, trying to get out the car to get away from him. She ran to the road,  screaming. But he knock her out. Mariah covered her mouth and cried.

Her dad had this plan all the time.

"I guess you found the videos."

Mariah jump. She turned to find Selena's dad standing there with a gun in his hand.

She couldn't find no words to say.

"You know now."

"But why?" Mariah cried.

He looked down and back at Mariah. "Her mom and me got into a fight that night and well, I couldn't take it nomore. I told Justin it was time."

Tears fell down Mariah eyes. "But why Selena,  too?"

"She always talked about her mom,  asking is mom coming back,  will they ever find mom.  Just going on about mom. I got tired of it, so I paid Justin to do the same thing. She'll be with her mom, again."

"You're sick, you know?"

"Thanks for telling me but I know. Now, if you excuse me I am going to that dang house and kill both of them."

Mariah ran to him and grabbed a hold of his arm.  "no, you can't!"

With that, Selena's dad pushed her. She fell to the ground and hit her head.  She pass out.

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