chapter fifteen

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You guys, I have something to say.  I am going to end this book real fast. Well,  try to.

Mariah sat there in her room at the computer desk. She had Selena's phone next to the computer. She had a plan. She had to locate this unknown number and see if it was coming from Selena.

What was the point going to the cops because they werent going to do anything. And honestly, she didn't won't to go to Selena's dad because she had this weird feeling toward him.  Something like a scared way toward him.

Mariah then track the phone number and ended up getting something. It was giving her a place, which was a long drive from here. Was Selena's Here?

Mariah's hope she would find her best friend. She wasn't going to let no-one know about this.


Justin and Selena laid there on the livingroom floor,  just talking and goofing off.

"I hope you're not using me," Justin ended up saying.

She raised an eyebrow. She lean up and let the side of her face rest on her hand to keep her up. "why would I do that?" she asked as grabbing his hand and playing with it.

"Well,  sometimes when a guy kidnaps a girl,  the girl pretends to fall for the guy, just so she won't get killed and when the girl finally gets the guy where she wants, she will win."

She came close to him and stared into his eyes.  "Justin, I would never do that to you. Honestly, I want to be here. With you as long as I live."

"Really now?" he smiled.

She nodded.

Justin lean to Selena and kissed her lips.


Next day came and Mariah drove up to the big beautiful house. "Wow," she told herself. Mariah shut the car off and took a breath.  This was her chance to see if Selena was in that house. Mariah opened her car door and begin to walk to the front door.

Mariah knocked on the door. No-one didn't answer the door. Mariah knock again.

The door opened.

A blonde headed guy,  which was Justin. He was standing there. "May I help you?"

Mariah couldn't find no words to say.

He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to say something. When he looked into her eyes,  he could tell that she had been crying. "Are you okay?"

She took a breath. "Yeah,  it's just that my best friend has been lost for almost a week and-"

"I'm sorry to hear that."

Tears fell down her eyes. "But I was going around houses to tell people to keep a look out for her." which she wasn't. Mariah took out a picture of Selena. She turned the picture to Justin.  "This is her."

Justin's heart fell to the ground and yet it was the girl he had in the house. "I'll make sure to keep an eye out for this girl."

Mariah nodded. She was about to walk away but she turn back to him.  "is she in here?"

"Excuse me?" he raised an eyebrow.  "My wife is."

"I'm sorry.  It's just yesterday, I got a phone call and it was an unknown number and so I track it and it sent me here."

He didn't say anything.

"Hey,  Justin!" someone yelled out from inside the house.

Justin try not to panic. He hope that this best friend of hers wouldn't remember the sound of her best friend. Justin looked back in the house and back at Mariah. "My wife."

But for some reason, she felt like it was her best friend.  The voice sounded like her. "Oh. Well,  can you tell your wife about my best friend."

"I sure can."

Tears fell down her eyes.

Justin pressed his lips together. He was now upset and he felt bad for the best friend. "hey,  get some rest. And don't worry too much because I got a good feeling she is okay."

Mariah didn't say anything but walk back to the car.

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