chapter nine

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Mariah sat there in her room, looking up at the ceiling with the tears falling down her eyes. She hasn't heard anything yet. No one has not called and told her that they found her, which in a way she didn't won't a call. She was scared. What if they call and tell her that they found her body in a bag, covered with dirt or something worst..

Mariah took a breath and got up from the bed. She wanted to stop thinking about this.

Her phone rung.

Mariah wiped the tears away from her eyes and answered the call. "H-hello?"

"Mariah," a guy says. It was Selena's dad.

"Did they find her?" She asked with a excitement say.

He itched the back of his neck and took a sigh. "They found her car. It was parked at the side of road."

More tears fell down her eyes. "W-was she in there?" Please say no, she told herself.

"She wasn't. B-But they found blood and the two front doors were opened. I'm going down there, do you want to come?" He asked.


Mariah left out.


Selena woke up in a nice comfortable bed. She raised up and yawn. She hope off the bed and then stretch her arms up.

She smelt something that was coming from down stairs. Selena walked down stairs, seeing Justin cooking breakfast. He was shirtless and yet his skin looked beautiful. It made Selena want to go over there and just run her soft hands against his glowing tan skin. She lean against the entrance of the wall and watched him flip the pancakes.

"I didn't know you cook."

Justin jump. He turned to look at her and yet he couldn't get over the fact that she looked very adorable in his clothes.

"I didn't mean to scare you," she smiles.

"It's okay. Do you want some pancakes?" He asked.

"Sure." She walks toward him and stands there.

He turned his face toward her. They both looked into each other eyes and yet all they wanted to do was just kiss each other. It was weird because what they were feeling.

She should be hating him because he kidnap her but in away she was having these weird feelings toward him. He was doing things for her just to tell her how sorry he was. She loved that.

In his mind, he wanted to just leaned over and kiss her but yet he was scared to do so. He thought she might slap him. He didn't take the chance.

They both snapped out of it.


Mariah and Selena's father road over to were the cops had told them to meet at. It was the road that they found Selena's car.

Her father parked the car. They both got of the car and walked to the cops.

"Sir, what we think, we think that she locked herself in the car because she got scared." The cop walked to the car and showed the gun shots on the handle. "He shot the door and also shot the window."

Tears fell down Mariah's eyes and yet the phone caught her eyes. It was laying on the passager side.

"She called and when she screamed, he grabbed ahold of her. We think she crawled over to the other side and landed on the ground. She ran to the road and as you can tell, there is blood-" he pointed at the road that had small drips of blood.

Mariah cried. "So, what are you saying?"

The cop looked down.

"Answer the question!" Mariah hissed.

"We don't know," he says as looking at her.

Mariah covered her mouth and cried. "Then was her car parked on the side?"

He struggled his shoulders. "We're still trying to figure that out-"

"Did her car go dead?" Her dad asked.

They looked at him.


I love writing the book.

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