Chapter 10

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Check out the f a b u l o u s song I found the other day. if there are half-naked guys with a wooden carving of Shia LeBeouf, you know damn well its a good song

"Edd, what the f--k are you doing!" "T-Tom!" We stare at each other, my eyes both size of the damn moon. He was shaking while the blood from his wrist was dripping steadily on the floor. Soon after we were staring at each other, I snap out of my state of shock and go get treatment and gauze bandages hastily as Edd tries to close the door. I almost break the door hinges getting the door open. Now I may be acting batsh-t crazy, but I loved him like a husband and I wouldn't let him slowly kill himself. Godamn I'm fucking panicky, but like I said, I love him to death. I burst in and immediately pin him down and he shouts "Tom, stop! Get off of me, you piece of shit!" I stopped and got out of my grasp and then he kicks me down. "Edd, what the Fu-k has gotten into you!" "Shut the fu-k up, Tom!" I leave slowly and I look back and his nose is bleeding and is giving me this dirty look. I throw the gauze and treatment at him. Then I slam his door and stomp to my room. I sit down and grab my Vodka and chug it. I check my flask after I'm finished and realize that my flask is empty. Matt walks in and sits down on the edge of my bed and looks at me. He says, "I saw you, two guys, fighting in there, What happened?" I don't answer. I put my face in my hands. "Tom, we have a visitor."

Is he actually here again, or is someone else?

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