Chapter 2 (A few days later...)

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[{Authors note: This is the chapter where they start to get together. Also, ill be posting a new chapter every day, but no promises! anyway, enjoy!}]

{One more thing, I was listening to Fallout Boy while making this. I know it's not important.}

We were at the theatre when it happened, but before we were at the arcade not too far away from the apartment. I was playing Pac-Man and I was winning, which was a surprise to me because I am horrible at the game. After that, Edd asked if we could go get some popcorn and watch the theatre. I agreed, and got the biggest bag of popcorn you've ever seen. It was getting late, about 6:00. we get the tickets to A Quiet Place. It was a scary movie, but Matt went to I Feel Pretty, which I'm pretty sure it was a romance, which it probably was. After 30 minutes, it happened. Some guy was hiding in a closet he looked behind him, and there was the deaf guy. This made him yell in panic and held onto me. It was pretty awkward at first, but then we kinda just sat there, holding each other. After the movie, Edd said, "No homo, right?" I said yes and inside, I swear from the flaming gates of Hell to the pearly gate to heaven, I felt a rainbow in my stomach. Truth be told, I was homo.

I thought he was hot af, which was true.

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