When the first contraction woke me up about, I screamed for two reasons. Firstly, the pain was a lot more intense than I thought. Secondly, I was about to give birth without my mate next to me. Thankfully, Ada was right there with me to help through the worst parts. Not to mention that the pack doctor had miraculously appeared at some time. She was frantically setting up towels and everything else she might need.


Adrian's voice drifted up from downstairs. He was here! I tried to scream his name to tell him where I was, but it just came out as a scream. Those contractions hurt!

"Sierra, breathe!" Ada growled in my ear, gripping my shoulders. "You have to breathe."

I panted a few breaths before the bedroom door crashed open. The glorious scent of pine filled the room and calmed my wolf just a little. The pain still muddled most of my thoughts, and I couldn't find the energy to process everything.

"Adrian..." I collapsed back against Ada. Maybe I could do this after all. Maybe...

Ada disappeared from behind me, quickly replaced by the solid warm tower of muscle that is my mate. I whimpered as the sparks tingling across my skin only added to the pain I was already in.

"I'm here, baby," he crooned with a kiss to my temple. "I'm right here."

I hissed through another contraction. "I can't do this."

"Yes, you can," Adrian growled, tightening his hold around my shoulders. "You are a strong, kickass alpha. Are you surrendering to your successor already?"

That sparked something in my wolf. She threw her head back and howled, refusing to back down when we'd barely begun. Of course, she also really wanted to see our little future alpha. Heck, I wanted to see my baby too!

The doctor sat down on the end of the bed and glanced under my drenched nightgown. "Okay, alpha. It looks like we're just about ready to meet your little one. Can you give me a big push with your next contraction?"

My chin wobbled as I nodded my head. If I didn't do this now, I wouldn't be able to later. The pain was freaking me out to no end, but the feeling of Adrian's arms around my shoulders and his chest pressed against my back helped a little. He gave me the extra strength and courage I would need.

"Whenever you're ready," the doctor said.

Adrian leaned his forehead to my temple and drew a deep breath, reminding me to do the same. "You're going to be fine, Sia. You have the power of generations of alphas behind you, and you have me. Scream as loud as you want and squeeze my hands as tightly as you need."

I flinched as my body tensed for another freaking contraction. "I'm scared, Adrian."

"I know, but you're strong. You can tap into our alpha power if you need to. I'm right here to help you in any way that I can." He kissed my cheek right before I arched against his hold.

I've never screamed so loud in my life. My body has never hurt so much in my life. I've never heard so many un-tasteful words pour out of my mouth. I don't remember pushing or breathing. Everything was a fiery ball of blinding pain. Not even my miraculous alpha power could dampen this particular pain. Adrian's arms felt like branding irons against my skin, yet the familiar tingling sparks sent waves of energy through my veins. It lasted for probably a solid minute: screaming, pushing, writhing, crying, pleading for it to all be over.

Then it was. With a slipping gush, something left my body and the pain vanished. I collapsed in a quivering heap as a small, piercing cry split the air. At the foot of the bed, Ada and the doctor fussed over my baby. Adrian mopped my face with a cloth and kissed my forehead.

"You did it," he whispered, eyes glittering with tears. "I told you that you were strong."

I lifted my head just enough to see Ada approaching with a green bundle. She gave me and Adrian a huge smile.

"Congratulations, Alphas. You have a beautiful daughter."

I blinked against the tears as she placed my daughter in my arms. Adrian adjusted his hold so he was effectively holding both of us. For a long time, we just stared at our little princess. It didn't seem real.

"She has your nose," my mate croaked after a while.

I leaned my head back against his shoulder. "I was going to say that she has your jawline. Look at that determination and strength." I lightly traced my finger along her little jaw, smiling as her chubby little chin quivered a little.

"Most parents argue about the eyes," Ada quipped as she helped the doctor clean up the room. "Since both of you have green eyes now, it will be interesting to see what she inherits."

"I don't care," I whispered. "She's perfect."

Adrian hooked a finger on my jaw and turned my face to his. His glittering green eyes nearly brought me to tears. "I love you, Sierra. I am so proud of you, and you have made me the happiest man alive."

"That's so cheesy cliché," I giggled as we nuzzled noses.

"I don't care," he growled before smashing his lips to mine.

We kissed until the squirming bundle in my arms demanded attention. I pulled away but gazed up at my mate for another moment before turning back to our daughter. She scrunched her little face up, yawned, and blinked several times before staring up at us. Adrian and I sucked in a breath at the same time, neither one of us prepared for that.

"Well, how about that?" he breathed.

My tiny successor gurgled and blinked her crystal emerald green eyes at us. I couldn't help but smile up at my mate.

"She has alpha eyes."

Alpha Eyes (Alpha Eyes: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now