41.) I Don't Want To Lose You

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"Gabby!" Matt yelled as he bent down beside Evan, feeling for a pulse and not finding one. "Gabby, call 911!"

Matt began compressions as Gabby dialed 911 and ran upstairs to see what was happening.

"What did he take?" Gabby asked, grabbing the empty bottle and reading the label to discover it was Vicodin from when he and Kelly were in the plane crash.

"Keep up compressions, an ambo's on the way." She told him, praying Evan would be okay.

"What's going on?" Ella asked as she and Riley emerged from Riley's room.

"Go wake up Stella and CJ and start driving to Med. Evan OD'd on Vicodin." Gabby instructed as she helped Matt.

"He What!?" Stella yelled from the doorway, having heard everything.

"Go, there's nothing you can do here, we've got him." Gabby said, trying not to let her see Matt doing compressions.

Ella stepped in and, despite crying herself, guided Stella, CJ, and Riley downstairs, where she got Jack and Spencer, and began driving to Med.

As the others drove, Matt and Gabby kept Evan alive until the paramedics arrived. When they entered, they took over and put the heart monitors on him, getting a weak pulse.

"He's alive, heart's beating on its own." One of the paramedics said before nodding at Matt. "Nice work, you kept him alive."


"How is he?" Stella asked Dr. Halstead as he exited Evan's hospital room.

"He's stable, he's going to be just fine." Will assured them all. "We pumped his stomach to rid him of the drugs and his heart's been beating steadily on its own. He's asleep right now and he's going to be pretty sore for awhile, but we have to keep him for 72 hours for a psych evaluation with Dr. Charles. After that, if he clears Evan, he'll be discharged."

"Thanks Will. Can I see him?" Stella asked.

"Sure thing, room 3."

The entire family went back, the Casey's included. When they entered, Evan woke up and cried.

"I'm sorry." He sobbed, burying his face in his hands.

"No, honey, I'm sorry. I should've tried harder to help you kids, instead I've been focusing on my own grief. I haven't stopped to realize just how bad you kids were hurting." Stella said, everyone in the room crying now.

"No, it's not your fault, Mom. I thought it'd just be easier if I, If I wasn't here anymore. I figured I could see Andy again." Evan said, looking down.

"Don't do that again. I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry for being mean to you guys, I don't want to lose any of you!" CJ said, hugging his big brother.

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