32.) Relaxing Day

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Four months later, both Kelly and Evan were at Chicago Med, getting assessed by Connor and Will to determine if they were all healed from their injuries.

Kelly went with Will and Evan went with Connor, the pairs splitting off in the PT room and doing different exercises.

After a half hour, they were done.

"So, Doc, what's the call? Can I get back to work?" Kelly asked Will.

"Yeah? Can I play basketball and hockey now?" Evan asked Connor.

Will and Connor looked at each other and grinned. "You two are both healed. Kelly, you can get back to work. Evan, you can get back to sports."

"Yes!" The two cheered, high-fiving.

"Alright, you two are free to go. We'll fax your medical clearances to your work and school." Will said.

"Great! Thanks guys." They said as they left.


A few days later, things returned to normal.

"Shift ends in an hour. You wanna head off to breakfast with Gabby and Matt at that diner down the road?" Stella asked Kelly, waking him up in his office.

"Yeah, sure." He said, his morning voice hoarse.

"Okay. You feeling okay? You don't usually sleep this late."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired from the Squad call at 5 this morning." He yawned.


A few hours later, Kelly and Stella drove home and went inside.

"An empty house. You know what that means?" Stella asked with a smile.

"It means I'm free to take a nap." Kelly chuckled.

"Maybe you could nap after we have a little fun."

"Or we could do that after I take a nap."

"Come on, Kel. Don't be such an old man!" Stella laughed.

"I fell out of a second story window last night and then had to get up at 5 for another call. I'm exhausted. I almost fell asleep at breakfast."

"I know. Matt and I were betting on whether you'd crash or not waiting for our food. Go sleep, we have all day."

"Good. Will you come lay with me?"

"Aw, my baby needs me to lay with him so he can go to sleep?" Stella teased as Kelly reached out his hand for her.

"I always need you."

"Alright, let's go."

The couple went upstairs and, as they were headed towards their room, saw Andrew's door still shut.

"Why's his door still shut?" Stella wondered, both of them stopping to figure out what was going on.

Kelly opened the door and saw his son still asleep.

"Andrew, what're you doing? It's 11:30." Stella asked.

"Huh? Oh shit, my alarm didn't go off!" He said.

"Don't worry about it, I'm tired too. You wanna go relax downstairs and watch a movie?" Kelly asked, Stella not arguing with the decision to let Andrew skip school.


A few hours later when the other kids got home from school, they found Kelly, Stella, and Andrew all asleep on the couch as Grown Ups played on the tv.

"That's adorable." Riley said, pointing out the way Kelly's hand was wrapped around Stella's.

"You're right." CJ agreed.

"I love how much Dad loves Mom. And how much Mom loves Dad." Evan said, Jack agreeing.

"Mom and Dad love sleeping in peace, so keep it down." Stella said, her eyes still closed.

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