31.) Five Kids

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"Kelly has made it through surgery. There were a few complications and it was touch-and-go for awhile there. But, we successfully stopped the internal bleeding and he's resting now. While he was on the table, we also had an orthopedic surgeon fix his arm so he shouldn't need another surgery, hopefully." The doctor told the family, who were all relieved to hear the news.

"So, How long is his recovery time?" Stella asked, knowing her husband would really want to know when he woke up.

"Anywhere from 3-4 months."

"How about Evan?" CJ asked, looking up at the doctor.

"Well, part of the plane cut his torso about a quarter of the way through. We had to repair his stomach, liver, lungs, and put his ribs back in place. We're keeping a close eye on the functionality of his organs, but we're confident he'll pull through."

"What's his recovery time?" Jack asked.

"3 months, minimum, maybe 6 months, max. It's hard to say right now."

"Can we see them?" Andrew asked.

"Of course. They're both in room 114."

Soon, the group entered Kelly and Evan's room, seeing Kelly awake but Evan still asleep.

"Kelly, I love you so much." Stella said, rushing to his side and hugging him gently so she didn't hurt him.

"Hi babe." He smiled, relieved to finally see his wife.

"You scared the shit out of me."

"You really thought I'd let this be the end? The end of our life together and our family? No, this is not the end. It's far from the end."

"Good, but you really had me terrified."

"Don't worry, I'm not dying on you anytime soon."

"Good, because you'd be leaving me with 5 kids."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but did I just hear Mom say she still has five kids? That would mean I'm alive, right?" Evan asked, his voice hoarse.

"Evan!" Stella said, turning to her son. "How are you feeling, honey?"

"A little scared, a little sore, but pretty okay, otherwise." He said.

"If it makes you feel better, you're going to have a pretty cool scar." CJ told his brother, everyone chuckling.

"That doesn't make me feel better, but what does is this; the entire family back together in one room. It's nice, I kinda missed it." Evan smiled.

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