Chapter 9 : The threat (past)

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Blaze was trapped undeer her not being able to get free 'what am i to yo?...a puching bag?' 

The pain started to get intense and he started to get tired. Blaze knew he was close to fainting as the Blaziken keeped puching him but suddenly it stopped something pushed her off.

Blaze struggle to get up but everything was blurry and he couldn't get up weekness took over and everything went black.

Blaze opened his eyes but everything was a bit blurry "huh owe" he moneded in pain he sat up feeling kinda heavy but his eyes finally agusted.

To Blaze surprise he was not in his dean or the flower garden "wha- were am i?" He said to himself looking around to see he was indead in some other pokemons dean "wow relax there" Blaze looked to see who said that.

Standing at the endurance was a ninetales with a relaxed forme.

"What? Who are you and were have you taking me?" Blaze demanded. The ninetales came in and his expression was unreadable "um i believe I'm the one who saved you from that Blaziken" he said. His voice was slick "but if your looking for a name...soul my name is soul" he looked friendly to Blaze "um ok...well thanks for the help then i guess I'll-" "Hey let's hunt i wasn't able to get your fresh kill so i can help you out" he offered with a friendly smile. 'Well i am still vary hungry...'

Blaze got to his paws and noded 'yeah ok then" he said trying to be friendly back.

The ninetales lead the way out of the dean "so what may i call you? He asked in that slick voice of his. "Call me Blaze" he said feeling confident 'i don't know what it is about him but i get a good vibe of him' he thought

Blaze and soul walked through the forest looking for a sing of pray "hmm so Blaze..why didn't you fight back when that Blaziken attack you" soul asked but Blaze just shrugs "eh i don't like to fight others" soul gave a unsure face "eh um...your a pokemon that's how we survive" Blaze looked away "...ok so yeah pokemon fight..but i think we fight to much and when I'm king i want to change that i-" Soul placed one of his tales on his mouth "hold on..king? When your king... Oh my Arceus your Royalty!?!"Soul yelled in shock 'maybe i shouldn't have said that'

Blaze drooped his ears "um..maybe" soul stared "so you know king Flash and Queen Spark oh and Prince Ramune..they say he really strong" soul stopped and looked at him "so you are Prince Blaze oh of course how could i miss it I'm so slow" Blaze felt uncomfortable "um yea..ok but can you not make a big deel over this ok I'm just like every other pokemon the hole king thing is overrated..all we do is keep pokemon in line that's all" Blaze explained

Soul noded "ok-yeah your right because im not going to start bending backwards for you" he tessed Blaze rolled his eyes 'thats something Ramune would say.'

Blaze saw a pigeon landed a faw feet away blaze lowerd himself and slowly creeped up and jumed out landing on it ans biting it to end its life.

Blaze started to rip it apert and eating it blaze lick his lips when he was done.

"Tast good huh hahah well i guess thats that" soul said. Blaze got to his paws "well soul it was nice to meet you but i best get going before my dad notice I've been gone this long" Blaze said in a happy tone but soul's expression was the same a poker face "it was nice to meet you to..." He say with a smug.

Blaze walked back to his dean "so were where you?" Blaze spun around to see Ramune sitting on a rack and buy the looks of it he was just in water. His geals were all wet "oh i um" Ramune walked up to him "i can't believe you didn't take me with you hahah well i guess even you need a break from me huh" he said as ushaly. Blaze just smiled "heh next time all right" Ramune noded "i keeped dad bissy so he Wouldn't notice that you've been gone for two days" Blaze froze at that "two day? i muss off been out cold" blaze mumbled "well it's getting dark I'm going to my dean to sleep night blaze" Ramune says as he younes. Blaze went to his beding to sleep as well.

The sun was up and Blaze was sitting by his dad and

Ramune was beside him as well they were talking to Pokemon who have problem 'but why can't they solve there own dame problem...why came to use what can we do about it'

Flash grumbled in announced "look we can't help that's not what we do! just hunting with my sons" Ramune noded "some pokemon" Ramune whispers in Blaze ears and he noded in agreement "yea no kidding" the absol glared at them "um so what's the point in having a king then huh?" Flash grawled "because if truble ever cames our way that's when we help...and keep law at bay such as killing for sport!" Blaze felt a little bad for the absol 'but we can't help...we got our own lives to live...i meen i would help if i could'

the absol stormed off "finally!"said Flash Ramune looked at his father "you didn't have be rode about it though" Flash glared at him before looking away "...i know that but some time pokemon expected what can't be done to be done and it gets on my nerves" he sigh

"Well hey there!" Blaze looked to see behind them was Soul the ninetales 'whats he doing here?'

Flash looked at him "who are you...nevermind but we can't help with what ever it is" soul just smirks at them "well i think you can..." Blaze looked at his eyes.

Souls eye were filled with hunger 'wait...'

"Oh..with what?" Ramune asked looking confused. He walk up to Ramune "oh with everything" he said walking around them. Blaze felt lost "huh?" Soul glanced at him "Oh dear...did i not tell you?" Flash glared at soul " know my son?" Soul noded "well yes we meet yesterday..." Blaze felt a sudden sickness 'something not right' Blaze thought.

"Tell me what?" Blaze asked.

Soul stop walked to look him dead in the eyes "that i want to lead this forest...i want pawer over all these pokemon...but for that you Flash and your mate...sons moste leave for that" his voice was cold as ice and his eyes were hot red with fire.

Flash spicked up "well that's something that's not happening!...i mean came on you and what army?"  Blaze looked at Ramune to see shock in his eye and he was stiff. Blaze looked back at soul feeling angry 'why did i trust a stranger?'

Soul laughs and then gives an evil smark "well actually i have an army of pokemon who follow my ever word...if you don't surrender there's going to be a fight..i will burn down every tree kill every Pokemon that lives I'll give you

until the full moon..or else" he threatened them and turned away with out another ward

'Oh Arceus what's to be done!!!'

Echos of the cursed forestHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin