"Oo! I also got food so we can cook together. I really want to learn, instead of eating cereal and Mac and cheese everyday." I giggled and walked to my suitcase, where I pulled out Grayson's gift.

"I know it's nothing much, but I saw this limited edition kid cudi vinyl, and thought of you. I know you don't have this one." I pulled out the vinyl wrapped in bubble wrap and handed into him.

"Peyton." He gasped and tore off the bubble wrap. "Peyton! You did not!" He looked at me shocked, then examined the sleeve.

"Do you like it?" I asked smiling at him run his fingers through his hair.

"Yes! Oh my god!" He sat the record down on his bed and then picked me up and spinning me around. "I love you Peyton."

"I love you Grayson."


"Grayson, stop playing Fortnite. We need to clean." I said as I walked over to him sitting at the edge of his bed.

"Hold on one second." He said then puckered his lips for me to kiss, which I gladly did.

"Who are you playing with?" I asked and sat on the floor in front of him.

"Romeo, and Ethan. They both suck though." He laughed and I looked up at the screen to him and Ethan's characters dancing.

"Tell Romeo I want him to do a tattoo for me while I'm here if he can." I said

"You really want one? Once you start you won't be able to stop." Grayson said, still paying attention to his game.

"Yeah, I want to know what it's like. So I'm able to say that I have one." I watched Grayson turn around the corner and start shooting at a guy, but he died.

"Fuck! I died." He said and tossed his controller on the bed next to him, then run his hands over my shoulders. "Okay, I'm gonna get off. Ethan should be a nice brother and help clean, but he won't." Grayson sassed. "Okay peace." He took off his headset, then turned off the ps4 and I stood up.

"C'mon." I said and held my hands out for him to grab onto.

"Do I have to? He whined. "We can test out your Christmas gift?" He smirked and pulled my hips in closer to him.

"Nope. C'mon." I grabbed his hand and he stood up, slouching his shoulders.

"I don't want to be an adult. Please never leave my life, I can't survive without you." He said and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"I won't, I promise." He kissed my neck and then I walked us out of his room and to the kitchen. "Do you two ever do dishes?" I asked as I looked at the nearly full sink.

"No. Fortnite is life." He hopped on the counter and I started doing the dishes. While he sat on his phone.

"Grayson help me. You're so annoying." I complained and he groaned.

"Babe. I've got my hoes texting me." I took the hose on the sink and slightly sprayed Grayson and his phone with water. "Peyton! My phone!" He said and jumped off the counter.

"Do something, Grayson. You're really upsetting me right now."

"Damn, you on your period or something? Fuck." He rolled his eyes then helped me wash dishes. Tension in the air. "Why're you so cranky right now?"

"Because, I'm currently cleaning your house, and you're not even bothering to help." I snapped and he rolled his eyes again, shaking his head in disbelief

"Take a chill pill or something, fucking Brat." I dropped the bowl and stormed out of the kitchen, and back to his room, slamming the door behind me. "Really Peyton?" He asked once he opened the door.

"Get out, you're so mean, Grayson." I got on my phone, ignoring him, and he sighed then walked out of his room.

After about ten minutes he walked back into his room and got in bed next to me. "I'm sorry for upsetting you Peyton. I didn't think it'd hurt your feelings." I looked at him then back at my phone, ignoring him. "I finished the dishes, thank you for cleaning the ones you did." He leaned over to try and kiss my cheek but I stood up and walked out of his room before he could.

"Peyton. Stop walking away from me." Grayson said in the hallway as he followed me and then I heard Ethan's bedroom door open.

"What's going on?" He asked as he moved his headset around his neck, and muted it.

"Grayson won't leave me alone." I said and walked outside into the cold weather.

"Peyton, stop walking away from me. I love you." He said as he walked towards me.

I glared at him and tried walking inside but he blocked me. "Stop walking away from me!" He slightly raised his voice. "We're in a relationship, we work through this together. We don't walk away when there's a problem."

"You're so mean Grayson." I walked passed him, going inside and grabbed a small throw blanket from Grayson's closet, and a pillow from his bed, then to the living room and I laid down.

"Baby. Where are you?" He asked and walked down the hallway. "Please talk to me, Peyton."

He walked into the almost pitch black living room, only lit up from the lights in another room and kneeled next to me. "Peyton."

"No, Grayson. You can't just cuss me out and then act like it was okay. Leave me alone." I turned away from him to face the back of the couch and he rubbed my arm with his large hand.

"This is our first fight." He said and then walked out of the living room and to the hallway before stopping again. "I love you, Peyton." Then I heard him take a few more steps and close his bedroom door.

I felt an empty pit in my stomach, making me want to cry and throw up at the same time.

I laid on the couch for a while and scrolled through Instagram, liking the posts on my timeline, until I felt my body shake and my teeth chatter. It's freezing in here.

I curled up into a ball, but still couldn't get warm enough under this thin blanket, so I groaned and got up from the couch then walked to Grayson's room, and walking in.

I quietly got into bed, not wanting to say anything to him, then he turned to face me and engulfed me in a hug, which kept me warm. "I hate you." I said in his chest.

"No you don't." He kissed the top of my head, and held me closer to him, wrapping us in his thick comforter. "I shouldn't have been that mean, I'm sorry."

"I hate that I'm not more mad at you right now." He chuckled and lifted my head so I'd look at him.

"Please, talk to me when I do something wrong, because that's gonna happen a lot, and I need you to put me in my place, ." He kissed my lips, and slightly licked my top lip, asking for entrance, but I denied him by separating from the kiss.

"Im still mad, so let's just cuddle." I turned away from him, and he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my shoulder. "Did you make it colder so I'd come cuddle?"

"It worked, didn't it?" Grayson laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"You're so lucky, Grayson."

Anonymous (Grayson Dolan)Where stories live. Discover now