Chapter 34

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I carried my suitcase behind me, walking towards the exit of the airport, until I saw Grayson standing there smiling.

I jogged over to him and hugged him tightly. "I missed you." I said immediately and he hugged me even tighter if possible.

"I missed you too. And I missed your kisses, and your hugs, and your love." He said in my ear as we swayed back and forth.

"How did we go a month and a half with out each other?" I asked and he kissed me.

"I have no idea. But now you're away from the cold east coast, and we get to have fun here." He said and kissed me again.

"I'm starved, let's go eat." I said and grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the airport and we walked to his car.

"How was Christmas?" Grayson asked as he put my suitcase in his trunk and then we both got in the car.

"It was fun, spent time with my family. I'm sorry I couldn't see you for your birthday, I really wanted to." I said feeling bad that I haven't seen him in so long.

"Hey, we'll make up for it this week. I'm just glad I get to kiss you again." He smirked and leaned over, kissing me again, my hands roamed up his arm and to his hair, wrapping it around my fingers.

"I got you a birthday/ Christmas gift." I said once he stopped kissing me.

"Can't wait to see it. Thank you, beautiful. And, I have a gift for you too. But it's at my house. So we should go there instead of making out in the airport parking lot." He chuckled and I pecked his lips one last time before buckling up and going to his house.

He drove to his house and we both got out, and he grabbed my suitcase from the trunk. "Oh. I wanna show you those lights I sent you a picture of. They look really cool." We walked inside and I saw Ethan sitting on the couch.

"Hi Ethan." I said and he stood up, then I walked over to him and hugged him. "Merry late Christmas." I said in his ear and then we separated from the hug.

"Yeah, you too."

"Alright, come see the lights." Grayson said as he walked me down their dimly lit hallway. "They fit perfectly around my bed, and now my room is full of aestheticals." Grayson grabbed the little remote and showed me the different colors.

"Woah, those are cool, Babe." I said and set my bag down on his bed.

"The purple one is what I normally have it on, but the red... that's for you." He winked at me and turned the red light on, making the room feel very sexual.

"You're so romantic." I joked and he pushed me away playfully.

"Fine. I'll just turn them off. I was so excited to show you my lights and you make fun of me." He pouted and shut the lights off.

"Baby. I'm just kidding. I think they look really cool. And you have your speakers hooked up too, it looks really nice." I hugged him and he cupped my face, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"I did it for you. But if you don't like it, I won't use them." He said and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I love them Gray. Thank you for thinking about me." I kissed him and then he let me go, and I slid off my hoodie, leaving only a T-shirt underneath.

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