Chapter 4

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Dylan and I sat outside in my backyard as the weather was getting warmer the more the sun came out. "So how's Steven?" Dylan asked with attitude.

"He's fine you brat. We talked on the phone yesterday." I smiled a little at the good conversations we had.

"Did he sound hot? What'd his voice sound like?" He wiggled his eyebrows flirtatiously.

"When I first heard it I was shocked at how deep it was, it literally gave me chills. And his laugh is absolutely gorgeous." I looked down at the table and smiled to myself.

"Do you like him you hoe? You've known him a whole two weeks."

"I don't know. He's so different than other guys our age, it's like he lives a different life than most people, I don't know."

"Bitch you fucking like him!" Dylan said in disbelief.

"I don't know how I feel. I know so little about him, he's so vague and it makes me want to get to know him more." I shrugged innocently.

"Well I like him. If he can put up with my gay ass, then he's a keeper." Dylan winked at me.

"No, it's not like that. We'll never be more than friends. Plus he clearly doesn't want to meet me if he won't even tell me his name."

"Maybe he just has things he wants to hide from people."

"Okay, but that's super sketchy. Like the most I know about him is that he has a brother and he lives in New Jersey."

"He's not even that far and he won't meet you?"

"Right! Like I don't know what his deal is."

"Call him I want to hear what he sounds like." Dylan demanded

"Hold on I'll text him first."

'Hey so Dylan wants to talk, do you want me to call you?'

'Yes please. My brother is annoying me🙄'

I clicked on his contact and pressed call and it rung for a second then he answered.

"Hey, I'm gonna put you on speaker." I set my phone on the table then pressed speaker.

"Hey Steven! It's me Dylan your future hubby." I laughed and I could almost imagine Steven rolling his eyes.

"Oh my god, when's the wedding? We should start planning soon, Yeah?" Steven laughed

"Oh my god I love you." Dylan said and the three of us laughed.

"So Steven, what're you doing on this beautiful Friday?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"I just got back to Jersey from California a little while ago."

"Ooh. Why do you go to California?" Dylan asked

"I just like it there, it's pretty fun."

"I was telling him about how we went to Yosemite last year." I said to Dylan

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