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"Byeeeeeeeeeeeee" I shouted walked down the isle of the bus waved back at my friend Gabriella before turning around and walking the rest of the distance and down the 4 steps, I Nearly made it off the bus safely before tripping myself up.

The walk home from the bus stop isn't long but it feels like ages especially when you are excited to get home, you see I ordered believe movie and it should be here today!!!! Oh I forgot to say I'm a belieber you know 'the annoying 9 year olds' yeah well I'm one except I'm not 9 I'm 14. If you wanna make fun of him do it now he sounds/looks like a girl, he's gay/faggot/dick, he's a druggy, he spits on fans I've heard them all they are getting old now.

I was about 4 houses away from my house but it seemed to get further and further away as I think I get closer, I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone jumped on my back wanting a piggy back ride I regained my balance from the sudden impact and carried my cousin home he's a year younger than me but I can handle it.

I reached my driveway and saw an unfamiliar car in there I figured it was my mums mate as she said she would have a guest later I ran into the house Kicking my shoes of before frantically searching the house for my DVD

"Hey pattie" I greeted

"Mum where's my dvd?! it should be here today!" she said it wasn't here so I hung my head and left the kitchen

"By pattie tell Justin I said hey!" I shouted I head... wait what I ran down the stairs well fell down the stairs and ran into the kitchen with the biggest smile in my face JUSTIN BIBERS MUM WAS IN MY KITCHEN!!!!! I heard the toilet flush but that must have been my cousin. I continued staring at pattie in shock that she was actually here wait why is she here?

"H-h-hey pattie" I trembled she was about to answer when a figure walked out of the bathroom the supras that I would never be able to miss the famous sagging of the jeans the baggy shirt, the gold watch, the tattoos, the gold chains that slung around his neck, the bieber flick. There he was my idol standing right before me looking at me smiling he looked even better in person.

The smile on my face grew as I ran towards him tacking him into a hug he stumbled but still managed to hug me back the feeling was sensational I have craved this feeling side the moment I found him on YouTube

"Hey Jordan how are you? wait here's your copy of believe movie sorry it didn't come he way you expected it to" his raspy voice said


If you want an imagine inbox me or comment name, age, hobbie, celebrity and type of imagine

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