"Why?" I whinned.

"Just go talk to him." she said.

I really didn't feel like talking to him but she told me to. He made a big deal out of nothing.

I saw watching TV in the living room so I sat on the opposite side of him. He was acting like I wasn't even there, and they say I'm the child.

"Mommy told me to come talk to you." I said.

He still acting like I'm not here. Okay, I'm leaving. As I walked passed him he grabbed my shirt and pulled me on the couch.

He turned off the TV and looked down at me.

"So talk." he said.

"I think you got mad for no reason." I said.

"I got upset because you should not have been anywhere with a boy." he said.

"I know you missed some years and all but I'm not six." I said.

"Look, you gonna have to give me some time to get use to this." he said.

"Well if it makes you happy in still a virgin." I said smiling.

He face was of all full of shock. Too funny to look at.

"Damn right you a virgin." he said. "And you gonna stay that way till you turn thirty."

"Okay dad." I said.

"You think I'm joking." he said.

"Nope, not at all." I said.

"Just give me some time to get use to this." he said.

I nodded my head and we hugged. I guess that conversation wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I still can't believe Damien might be coming up here with me, that's going to be fun. Also going to a performing and visual arts high school. I couldn't fade going to private school, that wouldn't work.

After that talk with my dad I went back to packing. After that I showered and put on my night clothes. This would be the last time I see my mom for a couple weeks. I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna miss my mom and Blue and my grandma and my dad and everybody else. Good thing that it's only for couple weeks.

I went in search for my mom but I had to stop in the kitchen for a snack. I opened the fridge and I was just looking for what I could snack on. I wonder how old this domino's is. It looks okay. I put in the microwave on 30 seconds and wait. I swear when you hungry 30 seconds is entirely too long. Finally! I grabbed a napkin and put the pizza on it. I took a bite, yep pizza still good. I went to parent's room. I knocked and my mom said come in.

"Hey." I said still munching on pizza.

"Where'd you get pizza?" my mom asked.

"It was in the fridge." I said. "And it's still good, but I would get rid of it tomorrow."

After I finished the slice I wiped my hands and mouth and threw the napkin in the trash.

"So what are you gonna say tomorrow?" I asked.

"To be honest I don't know yet but I will handle it." she said. "I think your father wants to talk to her more than I do."

"So I'm still gonna have to stay there?" I asked.

"Well technically yes but I was thinking of staying down there until you graduate." she said.

"For real! So I don't have to stay with Aunt Christine?" I asked.

"If you don't want to. I felt it would be awkward for you to still stay there." she said.

"That's cool." I said lying beside her.

"So you would be ready to move here?" she asked.

"Yeah, I mean I do want to live with y'all and y'all live up here so I guess we gonna make that move." I said.

My mom put on a random movie and we was watching it until she heard a knock at the door and she told whoever was at the door to come in. It was Damien.

"Oh! Y'all having a movie party and no one invited me." he said. "I see how it is."

"Man, it's not even like that." I said.

"You wanna join us?" my mom asked.

"Don't mind if I do." he said as he made his way on the bed.

"So what were you and Chris talking about?" I asked him.

"His artwork and stuff." he said.

I nodded.

We were sitting up watching this movie when my dad came in. He just looked at us and shook his head.

"Don't act like you don't like this sight." I said.

"Yeah, whatever." he said. "Are y'all packed?"

We both nodded our heads.

"Okay, we're leaving at eleven for the jet." he said.

"We riding in a jet?" I asked.

"Yeah, how else we gonna get there." he said.

"But do we have to go so early?" I asked.

"Yes, I have to talk to Aunt Christine, Damien's grandmother, and find a hotel." my mom said.

"Where we gonna stay?" I asked.

"I don't know yet." she said.

"What about the Gaylord." Damien said. "It's on the harbor."

"Yeah, we'll see." she said.

"So when we doing Oprah?" I asked.

"I don't know yet, the sooner the better." she said.

I sat and thought of what would happen after this interview. Everyone is going to know who I am and my life is definitely going to change. For the better I hope. I'm starting to know a little more about my parents, they're not strict but don't cross them. It's gonna be a lot of new rules but me and Damien can handle them.

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