1.13 Bitch in a Business World

Start from the beginning

"Mm" She couldn't say much because of her head. She closed her eyes tight and tried to sleep

PINK it's really killing me. Don't you have anything that can take it away

[I'm sorry host. I lost a bet against my brother before so I had to give him all of my medicines. I only have some sleeping pills that I took from his room one day]

Just give me one. If I sleep then I'll not feel the pain, right?


A pill appeared in front of Piper she put it in her mouth and reached for the water to swallow it. The pill was very effective since she fell asleep right after. It was thanks to PINK being from a more advanced world.


"Home sweet home!" Piper said as she walked inside her house. Lawrence was behind her carrying a few bags with Piper's stuff

"Mommy! Bobby! Poppy!" She called out. The first to come was bobby, mommy and poppy came soon after, "Welcome home" They smiled.

"Bobby let go of my leg" Piper shook her leg trying to get off the kid who was hanging on it

Her parents smiled happily. They were also worried about her but they didn't want to ruin this happy occasion.

Mommy stared at Lawrence before turning to Piper. She smiled widely while thinking of important stuff, "I must find a shop that sells nice wedding dresses. Ahh! I'm so happy" She wiped away her tears from happiness while hugging poppy

"We'll soon have grandchildren" She said quietly to poppy. People in this world tended to get too absorbed into their fantasies.

Piper went to her room so that Lawrence could put down her bags. When she was struck by the pinkness she almost fainted. Having not been in her room for a while made her unused to the pinkness.

It was worse for Lawrence who only liked darker colors. He too almost fainted at the sight of the pink room.

"Don't mind it too much" Piper laughed stiffly while unpacking her stuff. Lawrence helped.

"Yes" Lawrence helped her and when they were finished they went down the the dining table. Piper's parents had prepared a feast because the whole table was full of dishes

Lawrence sat beside Piper and soon they all started to eat. It was a very happy atmosphere

"So when are you moving in together" Mommy suddenly asked while blinking her eyes.

Piper almost choked on her food, "Cough, cough!" She hit her chest a few times. Lawrence patted her back

"I don't know. When she wants to" Lawrence said. Piper stared at him angrily. She thought that he would help her but he betrayed her.

"Then how about a few weeks from now on?" Mommy clapped her hands happily. She really longed for grandchildren and the only one she could depend on was Piper. Her son was only 6 years old so she couldn't force him to marry yet. She had to wait for 10 more years before sending him away.

"No" Piper said but she wasn't heard because of Lawrence, "Great!"

Piper stared at him like she wanted to kill him.

"Hahaha! Eat more!" Mommy laughed and put a few more dishes on Lawrence' plate. Piper also ate more and she felt that the food tasted a lot better than before.

Piper went back to her room to unpack after having eaten. Lawrence also went with her

"There's no need to unpack. You'll live with me soon" Lawrence said happily. He was so very happy. He felt like he had just won the lottery 5 times in a row.

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