Back at the hospital.

The doctors searched the records to see Camila's emergency contacts but were shocked to see it come up blank, no numbers or names or anything.

Camila was still unconscious mainly because of the medicine they put her on so they couldn't exactly ask her, they'd ask her once she woke up but they didn't know when that would be but no one should be alone.


The next morning the girls well except woke up, they were all tired and Dinah and Normani were hung over.

"Morning" Ally said chirpily, and Dinah just groaned.

"Is Camila here?" Normani asked sitting up on the couch looking around.

"Don't think so" Brooklyn said and looked down at a sleeping Lauren and smiled to herself. "She's in love with her right?" She added.

"Madly" Dinah said with a smile.

"Why aren't they together?" Brooklyn asked and Normani frowned.

"Lauren kept fucking it up basically" Dinah said and Brooklyn smiled.

"Does Camila love her?" Brooklyn asked and Normani frowned.

"It's hard to say if Camila loves her or not" Normani answered. "But I honestly think Camila does But is keeping her guard up because it hasn't went so well in the past" she added.

Lauren woke up when she heard Brooklyn ask if Camila loved her but pretended to stay asleep to hear what the other girls say and it wasn't the response she hoped for so she woke up.

"Hey Lauren how'd you sleep?" Ally asked happily and Lauren smiled at the positivity oozing out of her.

"I've had better nights" Lauren said and Ally frowned slightly but Lauren smiled. "No Camila?" She asked.

"Sorry, no" Brooklyn said and Lauren frowned.

"Guys I'm worried maybe we should go to the cops or something" Ally said and the others agreed.

Back at the hospital Camila had woken up.

Camila opened her eyes and looked around the plain white room and she groaned as a pain shot through her head, she looked down at her arm and saw she had different things in her arm and she had a mask on her face.

"Morning Miss Cabello" the Doctor said and Camila just looked at him as he sat on the edge of her bed.

Camila raised her hand slowly, ignoring the pain and went to remove her mask but the doctor stopped her.

"You need to keep this on, your lungs aren't working their best after the impact of the crash but should be better in a few days, the headaches are expected and they will get unbearable at times but that's when you press the doctor button and we come in and give you pain killers and other stuff" the doctor explained and Camila just slowly nodded and he smiled.

"Have you got an emergency contact?" He asked and Camila thought for a moment.

"Lauren" she thought but that was a stupid thought so she just shook her head.

"I see." He said smiling sympathetically at the girl.

Whilst Camila was with the doctor the girls were at the police station.

"Hi I'd like to report a missing person" Normani said and the cop at the front desk nodded.

"What's the name?" She asked.

"Karla Camila Cabello Estrabo" Normani replied and the girl wrote it down.

"But she goes by Camila Cabello" Lauren added and the cop also wrote it down.

"Well we will call the local hospitals, coroners offices ect but I'm going to need a description of when she went missing and what she looks like" the officer said.

"She left the party we were all at around 11pm, her car was missing when I went to look for her I noticed it, she is about 5"2, dark brown wavy hair and chocolate brown eyes and tanned skin, she's very slim" Lauren explained and the cop wrote down every detail.

"There was an accident on Parker Avenue, a white Audi with a driver who was waiting at a traffic light and once it turned green they proceeded to drive when a pick up truck collided into the side of the car sending the car flying" the cop explained and Lauren's heart dropped.

"Camila drives a white Audi" Normani said and the cop picked up the phone beside her computer.

"Hello this is Officer Miller from Miami PD, I have a missing persons report and I was wondering if you have anyone under the name Camila Cabello?" The Officer asked.

"We do, she was admitted after a collision last night around 11:30pm" the receptionist on the other line said.

"Okay Thankyou very much" the officer said and put the phone down.

"I'm sorry girls, your friend is in Parker central hospital she was involved in a collision" The cop said and the girls thanked her and rushed to the car

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