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They rushed into the hospital and straight to the reception desk.

"Camila Cabello Where is she?" Dinah said frantically asked tapping her fingers on the desk in a panic.

"Room 727"the receptionist said and as soon as she said them last numbers the girls were sprinting to the room.

Not bothering to ask if she's allowed visitors they practically kick the door down startling Camila.

"What the fuck" Camila said after calming her heart rate down, good thing she's in a hospital the girls basically gave her a heart attack.

"You are an idiot" Normani said kissing Camila's head and Camila frowned.

"Technically I wasn't the one in the wrong the idiot who clearly couldn't see my white care in the dark is an idiot" Camila replied and Normani just rolled her eyes.

"How are you?" Ally asked sounding really concerned and Camila smiled at the girl.

"I'm fine" Camila said, technically she wasn't lying she was too numb to feel anything but looking at Lauren she did feel something, something in her stomach but she couldn't work out what the feeling was.

"You look a mess" Dinah joked and Camila just rolled her eyes and brushed off the girls comment not taking it to heart, she looked at Lauren who's eyes were teary looking back at her.

"Hey" Camila said and Lauren couldn't help but smile at her.

"Hey" She replied with a chuckle and Camila smiled, she looked at Normani giving her a look that only Normani would understand.

"Let's Get Camila some real food Lauren you stay here" Normani said pushing the others out the door and winking at Camila.

"Lauren?" Camila said and Lauren hummed in response and Camila patted the spot on her bed and Lauren sat down and Camila took a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked noticing how Camila's breathing picked up and Camila was fiddling with her bracelet.

"Do you ever wonder why rollercoasters have two seats?" Camila asked, this question was a lot deeper than it sounded but Lauren was confused.

"So it isn't lob sided?" Lauren asked and Camila shook her head with a half smile half frown on her face.

"I think they have two seats because people couple up to go on the ride,together. At the end of the ride whether it was the best ride of your life or you hated every minute of it, it's always better to do it with someone beside you" Camila explained and Lauren honestly never thought of it like that before.

"Wow" Lauren said amazed by Camila's thoughts.

"I know we haven't worked out in the past but I'm still crazy about you, yeah I can try and forget but it's not that easy" Camila began and ran a hand through her hair before continuing.

"I can delete your number, our texts, our photos but I can't delete your voice or your face from my mind, I can't avoid you because we have the same friends and I can't delete the memories." Camila said and looked everywhere but Lauren.

"What are you trying to say?" Lauren asked and Camila sighed.

"Have you missed me? Do you want to be with me? And try make it work" Camila asked, her insecurities seeping to the surface and Camila letting them pour out of her with no shame.

"I've missed you like crazy" Lauren began "I walked into the movie room in your house when you were at war and my heart hurt, I clenched my chest, the same spot you lay your head on as we watched pointless and stupid movies" Lauren said with a goofy smile and noticed how Camila still didn't appear convinced.

"I lay with your blanket that you stole from Target when you had no heating in the storm, the blanket we used to secretly touch each other when we were with the girls. I looked at my hand that you used to hold. Then when my heart hurt so bad, I'd read our old text messages, but the issue was, I read the ones about you moving on, that was all we texted about" Lauren stated and Camila shook her head.

"We texted about other things, you just deleted them when you were with Ty" Camila said ignoring the ache in her chest when thinking about him.

"I read them and the tears rolled down the cheeks you showered with kisses when you got bored, I realised I didn't have a right to cry as I done it first, I hurt you more than you hurt me" Lauren said wiping away a tear that escaped her eye but Camila hadn't noticed.

"We changed each other" Camila stated unsure if it was good or bad.

"Before you came into my life I was a dork, I'd sing and dance in the shower to destiny's child and TLC. But the the shower reminded me of the times I showered in your place how you'd fling the towel in always after I got in and how I would hear you rap busta rhymes stupid rap over and over and cheer once you got it right and how you'd shout on me to get you clothes. Once you moved on the shower was where I sat there and cried, I began showering so fast as the simplest of actions reminded me of you" Lauren said and Camila smiled to herself sadly.

"It's crazy how someone can invade your life but you don't realise until the simplest of things which remind you of them kill you whilst doing them" Camila stated and Lauren nodded.

"Emotions and relationships can fuck you up badly" Lauren said and Camila nodded.

"It's because people are cruel" she stated and Lauren raised her eyebrow for her to elaborate. "People take others for granted, hence why it makes it easy for the simplest tasks to hurt so bad" Camila began.

"It's awful we take so many things for granted and fuck it up but then we expect it to go back to the way it was" Camila groaned and Lauren was confused.

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked and Camila looked at her.

"We yank beautiful flowers out of the ground and we expect them to grow back just as they were before, we expect no damage to be shown. When we graze our knees or whatever we rip the scab off and expect it to grow back easily and not scar." Camila explained and Lauren knew what she was saying.

"And it's cruel because as we do them things people break hearts infact shatter or destroy hearts and expect them to beat again and still be the same" Lauren said and Camila nodded.

"That's what we do to each other and it needs to stop" Camila said and Lauren agreed.

"I want to make it work Camila" Lauren said grabbing Camila's hand causing the girl in the hospital bed to smile up at the other girl and nod.

"Me too" she replied and bit her lip nervously as the green eyed girl smiled back at her.

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