13.Do you believe in love?

Yes, just as I believe in liberty and democracy and the freedom of choice. I believe in love, but I wonder if love believes in me.

14. What makes you laugh no matter what?

The jokes of Frankie Boyle and Ricky Gervais. And Hayley, when she cracks jokes.

15. Who was the last person you talked to?

The cashier at the local shop as I paid the cost of the internet connection.

16. Do you get butterflies around the person you like?

Yes, and I still do when I think of that person.

17. Will you get married?

Honestly, probably not. My parents were never married, and my grandparents as well, and the ones in my family that are tend to be unhappy in their marriages, like the wives of my uncles. And I tend to equate marriage to slavery. I've seen TV shows and documentaries about people being subjugated by their domineering partners and abused like workers in a gulag. And besides, what's the point of marrying someone you'll divorce later in life after an argument? There's nothing to justify spending untold amounts of money for dresses and a fancy cake and an ice sculpture when the ending is heated words and a court battle over the children. To avoid all that drama and heartbreak, I'll give my partner the right to leave the relationship at any moment of their choosing, and I'll grant them the freedom to exercise this option. A marital Article 50, in other words. And I shall take it responsibly and respectfully.

18. When was the last time you smiled?

Awhile ago, when I thought of Hayley and how she loves me.

19. Does anyone like you?

Hayley, and that's probably it.

20. Do you secretly like someone?

Yes. Her name is Hayley, and I can't tell my mother about her because I know she will rant about how I should prioritise my studies and work over love and how I don't have enough money to take care of her. My mother can be such a pessimist sometimes.

21. Who was the first person you talked to today?

My mother. Tomorrow she'll be the first and the last person I will talk to for the day.

22. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?

Hayley, because unlike my mother she'll never judge me and will always be open and honest about her views. And because we share a similar background.

23. What are you not looking forward to?

I don't really know. I haven't known it yet.

24. What are you looking forward to?

The day I finally meet my close friends Hayley and Katie and hug them tight and thank them for everything they has done for me. I hope that day comes sooner than later.

25. Has someone of the opposite sex told you they loved you, and meant it?

Yes, Hayley was the first and she meant it. That someone told me that later as well, but didn't mean it. Ah, such is life.

26. Suppose you see your ex-lover kissing another person, what would you do?

I'll block it at first, then I'll take my partner somewhere secluded and give her a big, hungry kiss to forget about what I saw.

27. Do you plan to move out within the next year?

I would, but property prices are on the rise and I have no money. Looks like I'll still be living with my mum in the foreseeable future.

28. Are you a forgiving person?

No. It's terrible that I am such, but I hope to be one. I don't want to hate forever, and I believe there has to be a time to let the past go and move on.

29. How many true friends do you have?

Just two. Hayley and Katie.

30. Do you fall for people easily?

Not that much now. Back in college I fell for a lot of people, but I knew having crushes was the most I could hope for. Even if I wanted it to be real, I recognised I don't have enough money and time and confidence to make them happen. Back then it felt weird to pursue people, and I still prefer to be pursued. I was intimidated because so many of my crushes were influential people in the campus, one being a cheerleader and another being a cousin to a famous sports star. I knew my chances were slim to none, so I didn't risk it. I settled into books and donuts and played the stoicism card to the hilt. Thank God Hayley has arrived, I can finally have someone to be affectionate to.

31. Have you ever fallen for your ex's best friend?

No, because if I met that person I'd give him a good kick on the backside for convincing that person to make a joke out of love.

32. What was the last thing you put in your mouth?

A loaf of bread with Nutella spread over it.

33. Who was the last person you drove with?

My dad, four years ago in his Mercedes as he was driving me home.

34. How late did you stay up last night and why?

I stayed up till 3 a.m. because I was on my phone, reading Hayley's messages, looking at Pinterest pins, reading articles on BBC News, searching Google for the compatibility of bulls and scorpions as well as cakes and pies, and reading the latest of defence and diplomacy around the region I live in. I know, I'm a bloody complicated person.

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